Chapter 6:Rachel

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We finished our last round and now we're heading home. We visited all our friends and family who we'd invite to our wedding. I'm so excited.

"Hey Rach?" Jason asks. "Yeah?" "What's bothering Anne?" "You know how we're not allowed to go on a trip without adults right?" I say slowly. "Yeah." He says. "Well, Jasmine invited Anne to go with her friends to New York. But, you know." I say. He nods. We're childhood best friends. Our families are really close. Just like Brandon and Rayanne. And Brandon's sister Briana and Ryan. Our three families are super close.

"So she's all stuck up about it. Wow." He says whistling. "And you know, I think Anne's gonna do something about it." He says. "Huh?" I ask. "She's eighteen! She's smart enough and old enough to do something. Something that she shouldn't. Knowing her, she could. I just hope not." He says. I think about. He's right. My sis has a big temper and when she's really angry and upset, she's bound to do something.

"I hope so too." I say as we park in our garage. We get inside and find my two siblings in the game room. Again. They invite us to play with them. "And just how long have you two been here?" I ask as we start following the instructions on the screen. We're playing a game on the x-box. "A few hours." Ryan replies. "2 hours." Anne says. We continue to play, laugh and yell at each other until mom and dad get home.

They have been quite busy over the past two years. And I understand that. Rayanne and Ryan don't. They miss our traveling days. Now don't get me wrong. I do too. It's just that, if mom and dad spend a lot of money for the travels, and don't leave any high supervision over the company, there could be another "bad situation".

You see, just after we had come back from Hong Kong, there was a big fight that led to some decrease in our profit. My parents had to deal with it. They said that some people still want their high positions as owners and so my parents have to stay and work in the company to keep from things getting out of order.

Rayanne and Ryan don't know what happened. That's why they're so, well, like they are. We head down for dinner when my parents arrive. We do our usual routine then head to our rooms to sleep.

"Good night Rach!" Jason says giving me a hug. "Night. God bless. And take care of yourself." I say releasing him. He laughs. "Of course I will." He then walks down the stairs and out the door.

I change into my pajamas and lie down.

Lord, please help Rayanne. I'm worried. I pray in my mind before I drift off into sleep.

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