Chapter 5:Rayanne

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The next morning, after saying my morning prayer, I head downstairs for brunch with Pansy tailing me. It's 11:00am.

"Good morning Anne." My mom says as I sit down. I nod to them. Ryan prays for the food and we all start eating. I'm usually the noisy one at the table, but today, I can't talk. I really want to go to New York. I haven't been out of L.A. For two years in a row! We used to travel every summer. Even during breaks. Now, we're stuck here.

Everyone talks about the wedding since Rachel brought it up. She and Jason are going to give the invitations to the guests today.

"Wanna come Ryan?" Rachel asks him. "Nah. I'll stay here. I just realized that I have a high score to beat in NBA2K14." He says. Rachel looks at me and I shake my head. My parents share a look but I ignore them.

My parents are already dressed for work. As usual. Jason comes through the front door. "I didn't hear you come in through the gate." Rachel says. "Guess I'm either a quiet driver or you're becoming deaf." He teases. Rachel laughs and motions for Jason to sit beside her. "We have to go now. You all have fun and behave." My dad says getting up. We kiss and hug them goodbye.

Rachel finishes her breakfast and she and Jason leave.

Now it's just me and Ryan. "You're awfully quiet today." He says. "Mmhmm." I reply. "What's wrong?" He asks. "It's nothing." I reply getting up. He gets up too. "So what are you gonna do today?" He asks as we place our dishes in the sink.

"I don't know. Probably do some song writing, drawing, reading, I don't know." I reply, "Wanna play?" "Maybe later." "Okay." And with that, Ryan runs up the stairs and into the game room. I, on the other hand walk into my room. I sit on my bean bag in my mini library and just sit there looking around my room, sulking.

I wake up with Pansy licking my face. "Hello. So I slept huh?" I say rubbing my face. I look at the wall clock. It's 3:00pm. I can't believe I just slept after breakfast.

I head to the game room. "So. Wanna play?" Ryan asks me. "You've been here for nearly three hours." I say sitting down beside him. "So?" "Mom and dad don't want us having too much radiation. Remember?" I say. He shrugs like he doesn't care.

I lean into the chair and close my eyes. Imagining what I'd be doing if I could go to New York.

I open my eyes and see Ryan looking at me. He hands me a control. I give a small smile. And we start playing.

"So? What's bugging ya?" Ryan asks me. "Is it that message thing that Brandon sent you last night?" "How'd you know about that?" I ask him with my eyes still glued on the screen. "Your voice is really loud you know. I was walking past the study when I heard you. So I listened in. And I told Rachel too." He says. I growl. "Sorry. It was just interesting. Especially since that's the main argument you have with mom and dad for the past two years." He says. I stay quiet and continue to play in silence.

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