Chapter 12:Rayanne

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I spent at least an hour or two shopping in Times Square. You could say I "shopped till I dropped". Okay, maybe not literally. But don't think I'm selfish. I did buy some souvenirs for my family and for Brandon. At least I didn't forget about them. You've got to me some credit for that. Although it probably won't help much.

I'm back at the hotel fixing all the things I bought. I bought an extra duffel bag from the Disney Store and I'm packing all the stuff I bought.

Once I'm done, I sit down on the bed and turn on the tv. I leave it on Disney Channel. I watch Phineas and Ferb for a while waiting till dinner time. At 5:00, I order room service and I eat while watching.

The phone rings. I pick it up. It's the most logical thing to do. Though I shouldn't have.

"Is this Rayanne Chaise?" A gruff voice asks. "Umm, who's asking?" I reply. "Just answer." "Why would I answer to someone who I don't know?" I reason. "You're a smart girl. Tell me your name, lassie." The guy demands. "My name is Alison Gray." I say with a quivering voice to make it sound believable. "If you're not Rayanne, then why are you still talking to me?" The guy asks. "Because I don't want a young girl like her to get hurt." I say. "Right. Thanks." He says. I put the phone down. A knock comes at my door.

I look through the peek hole. "Who is it?" "It's housekeeping." The guy replies. I just stand behind the door not moving. I get out a paper and write

Alison. If I'm not back my midnight, please bring all my luggage to my family in L.A. Thanks!

I have a feeling something's gonna happen. Whether it's good or bad, I don't know. I stuff my luggage in the closet. I close it. I open the door and the guy asks me to follow him. I nod. I drop the letter on a table. I don't bring my bag for fear they might find out who I am or steal things from me.

I follow the guy outside the hotel. He orders me into a car. I know I should probably fight back or scream, but I can't do that with a gun pointed at my back and a threat.

I get into the car and sit quietly. The two men in front of me are wise not to talk with me there. I stare out the window.

Lord. Please help me. I'm sorry.

I pray. They start driving and soon, I fall asleep.

***I'm sorry. It's not very exciting. I hope it's okay. I'll make it up to you guys^_^***

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