: eight :

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: eight :

"Listen Christine, you're gonna have to start going with Ethan to school because I've got some more hours at work so I'll be leaving an hour earlier so that means no more lunches either" Mum told me

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"Listen Christine, you're gonna have to start going with Ethan to school because I've got some more hours at work so I'll be leaving an hour earlier so that means no more lunches either" Mum told me

"What?" I said

"I don't want to go with Ethan, he picks up his friends in the morning and I don't like them" I continued

"Sorry sweetie but you have to remember, I need to work so we can have money" She said serving me dinner

"Hey what's for dinner?" Ethan asked walking into the room

"Lasagna and you need to start taking Christine to school" Mum told him

"What? Why?" Ethan replied sitting down at the table

"Because I've got to start going to work an hour earlier than usual, so that means you'll have to take your sister to school and no more lunches because I won't have time" She said

"But I pick up my friends in the morning" Ethan complained

"They're your friends, Christine is your sister. Family over friendship Ethan" Mum said

"I start tomorrow" Mum said and left the room

"Is it okay if I sit in the front then?" I asked Ethan as we ate our dinner, I don't wanna sit with Simon again

"Nah that's Josh's seat" Ethan told me

"Why can't you make it Simon's seat" I said

"What's wrong with Simon?" Ethan asked

"I don't like him; he irritates me" I said

"Which one of my friends doesn't irritate you?" Ethan chuckled

"I don't mind Tobi, Vik and Harry" I said

"Yeah because Boggo is an idiot and Tobi and Vik couldn't hurt a fly" Ethan said taking another forkful of food

"I just don't want to sit with Simon" I told him

"Tough if you you want to get a lift to school, you'll have to sit in the back with him" Ethan retorted


"Christine hurry up or I'm leaving without you" Ethan shouted upstairs

"Coming 2 seconds" I shouted back. Ethan is being a bit nicer to me lately not nice but less attitude than usual so I'll take it. I put my shoes on quickly and grabbed my rucksack already filled with my school necessities. I jogged down the stairs and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and put it in my bag. Ethan grabbed his keys, we got in the car and drove to Josh's house.

"Oh, you're here again" Josh said getting in the car

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'

"She gonna be here everyday?" Josh asked as Ethan started driving to Simon's house

"Yes" Ethan sighed

"Get used to it dude" I said and I heard Josh let out a small laugh. After another few minutes of driving the car came to a stop. Simon's house. Great.

"Hey" Simon said to the boys as he opened his car door

"Yo bro" Ethan replied and started driving. The music started playing, loud enough for Simon to start an unheard conversation with me.

"Hey frigid" He smirked. Just ignore him Christine.

"Ignoring me huh? Are you too frigid to talk to boys now?" Simon tried to wind me up

"I am not frigid because I won't kiss some dirty pig" I told him

"Whatever you say... frigid" He chuckled knowing it was winding me up

"You know what it doesn't bother me that you think I'm frigid because I don't like you" I pulled a fake smile and redirected my eyes out the window.

"You sure about that?" Simon teased

"Positive" I said still staring out the window

"Well how about another game of nervous" He said placing his hand on my knee

"Get off me" I said

"Nope" He said popping the 'p'

"You know how to play we had this same situation last time" I turned to look at him and he had that same smirk plastered on his face

"Simon I will break your wrist" I said

"Sure you will frigid" He teased moving his hand higher up my leg

"Take your skinny little fingers off my leg" I told him

"Admit you're frigid" He said

"No" I replied

"Okay then" He said as his hand slid higher up my thigh

"Fine, I don't care what you think about me because as I said earlier, I don't like you. So yeah call me frigid all you want doesn't mean it's true" I said

"Okay frigid" He chuckled but his hand remained on my thigh

"Um, you gonna move that?" I asked looking down at his hand

"Why? Does it make you uncomfortable?" He asked raising one brow

"No because believe it or not I do like boys and am not actually a frigid. I just don't like you and your kind of boys so get off me" I said

"NahI kinda like it" He smirked so I took his hand and threw it back at him andSimon rolled his eyes.    

P R I S T I N E // s.minter ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now