: twenty :

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: twenty :

I'm coming over – S

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I'm coming over – S

Ethan's home with Josh and Tobi – C

Saturday morning. 10:30am. This boy is already trying to come over; I'm not going to lie I want him to because I like chilling with him but I don't want to be someone he just fools around with. I went downstairs to get my breakfast.

"Hello love" Josh said as I walked into the kitchen

"Hello" I replied not wanting to be rude

"That's a pretty revealing outfit, Simon isn't here you know" He smirked looking me up and down

"I know and I don't like Simon" I told him as I went to get the milk from the fridge

"Not what I've heard" He said

"Shit" I muttered

"Oh so you do like him" Josh teased

"No we're out of milk" I said showing him the empty cartoon in the fridge and pulling a fake smile as I went to throw it in the bin. I grabbed a pan and the bacon from the fridge.

"Wanna cook me some love?" He asked

"No" I said bluntly

"Fine then" He walked out

Come to mine then – S

Simon had texted me back.

No I can't be bothered to go out – C

Pleaaaaase – S

No because that means I'll have to get changed and do my hair and make up then trek all the way to yours – C

Stop being lazy – S

You can come over, I'm cooking breakfast J - C

And go past my friends, that won't draw any questions – S

Well then I can't be bothered to get ready and leave – C

I put the bacon in the pan and the boys must've heard it sizzling because they all came in

"Make us some Christine" Ethan said

"No this is for me because you used all the milk" I said

"Stop being annoying; you're already making some just make some extra" He said

"No" I repeated

"Christine man" Ethan moaned

"Just leave her Ethan" Tobi said, Tobi was nice I liked Tobi. My phone pinged from another text

"Be ready, I'm coming to get you in 30 minutes" Josh read off my phone

"Can you not" I snatched my phone from the counter top so he couldn't see it anymore

"Who was that?" Ethan asked

"Never you mind" I said flipping my bacon

"Simon" Josh coughed trying to be slick

"You and Simon yeah?" Tobi asked smiling

"No, I don't like Simon and it's starting to piss me off that everyone keeps saying that" I said

"You better not get with Simon" Ethan said

"Since when do you care?" I asked, surprised at how he was getting involved in my life for once

"You're my sister and you're not gonna date Simon Minter" He said grabbing a glass and filling it with some juice

"I though he was your friend" I said

"He is and that is exactly why you're not allowed" He said

"I appreciate you looking out for me all of a sudden but even if I was to date Simon, which I am not for the record, you can't stop me" I said grabbing a plate

"Oh yes I can" He walked out followed by Tobi and Josh.

Josh saw that and they all know it's you now so you may as well stay here – C

Fucks sake – S

"Christine we're gonna go meet Harry and JJ, I'll be back later with some of them probably" Ethan said from the other room

"If I found Simon's been here I'll snake you out" Ethan warned

"Bye" I rolled my eyes serving myself the bacon.

Ethan, Josh and Tobi are going to meet JJ and Harry – C

Great because I'm almost there – S

Make sure they don't see you dipshit – C

I put my phone away as I buttered myself some bread to make a bacon sandwich. I took my food up to the living room so I could watch some TV. I turned on some SpongeBob because I am a big kid and nothing else looked good. After about 10 minutes who I assumed was Simon knocked at the front door.

"Hello" I said opening it and turning to walk back to the sofa so I could finish watching the episode when he smacked my ass

"I swear to God if you do that again I will punch you square between the eyes" I threatened

"Sorry sunshine" He smirked

"SpongeBob, really?" He asked looking at the TV

"Got a problem with that?" I looked back at him as he closed the front door

"No, I like SpongeBob, it's cool" He sat on the sofa next to me


Ugggggggh I've got my real GCSE mocks up until Christmas break, revising is killing me


Thank you guys for 400 views!!! Lots of love my dudes <3<3

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