: fourteen :

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: fourteen :

"Christine you got 20 minutes" Ethan shouted

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"Christine you got 20 minutes" Ethan shouted

"Aren't we gonna be late?" I called back

"No Simons not coming today" He replied. I guess that's a good thing because I don't want to keep talking to him and getting involved. I do not like Simon Minter and it will stay that way. He's just trying to get in my pants, I'm not going to do that with him, like I told Tiana I am going to have sex with my boyfriend who I will care about. I need to stop fooling around with him, yeah it's only been twice but that two too many times. I will not develop feelings for him, I'd rather kill myself than let that happen.

I looked in my mirror and straightened my tie, I still had those 20 minutes. I got my phone out as I sat on my bed trying to kill time when I think I started to hear rain hitting against my window. I turned around to look out of my bedroom window but there was no rain, instead there were rocks being pelted at my window. I got out of my bed and looked out of my window, who the the hell is throwing stuff up here. None other than Simon goddamn Minter.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed because I just gave myself a mental talk about staying away from him.

"I came to pick you up and walk you to school" He said

"Thanks but no thanks" I said closing my window and going back to my bed. Well done Christine. Again there he was pelting them stupid rocks at my window.

"Go away, I am not going with you" I opened the window and said down to him.

"Come on Christine, I came all the way here for you" He said

"That's deep, bye bye now" I said

"You think I won't come up there" He said

"Have fun getting past Ethan" I smiled

"Oh yeah... Christine just get your arse outside" He said

"If I walk with you today, will you leave me alone?" I asked him

"Um, yeah okay" He shrugged

"Fine I'll come" I rolled my eyes and closed my window

"Ethan! I'm gonna walk and meet Tyler" I shouted downstairs

"Alright" He shouted back. I grabbed my school bag, I cannot believe I'm doing this. I walked out the door and said bye to Ethan for once.

"Morning sunshine" Simon smirked

"Wipe that smirk off your face, I am never doing this again" I said

"Do I not get a hello hug?" He asked with his arms out

"No you don't now let's walk" I said and started walking

"Oh come here" He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me from behind

"Simon get the hell off me" I said in all seriousness, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and took his arms off me.

"Stop kissing me, I don't like you" I told him

"You say that every time and then you start making out with me" He said

"Yeah well there's going to be no more of that" I said

"If you say so" He said putting an arm around the lower part of my waist

"Get your hand off me Simon" I told him

"Why not I like it there" He said

"Same way you like me" I teased

"I do not fancy you, I reckon it's just because you want me to like you back" He replied

"Yes because I fancy you Simon, I really really really like you" The sarcasm was evident in my voice

"I knew it" He laughed pulling me closer to him

"Okay no" I said taking his arm from around my waist and put it back to his side

"Why are you so boring?" he asked

"Boring because I won't let you have sex with me and fool around with me whenever you like?" I questioned

"Stop making me sound like a dickhead" He said

"I'm just putting what you're actually doing into perspective" I told him

"It's not like that" He tried to reason

"Oh really" I laughed

"Yes, if I wanted to have sex with you that badly, it would've happened by now, a few times may I add. We don't fool around because I want to, we did it because you wanted to. You started it the first time and the second time" He explained

"No I didn't, first time okay I'll give you that but the second time that was all you dude" I said

"Yeah but who didn't stop me" He smirked

"Stop talking to me, I'm tired of this conversation about fooling around with you because I am not going to do it with you anymore" I said in all seriousness

"You sure you wanna do that" He squeezed my ass

"I'm serious stop touching me, go find another girl who is willing to get into bed with you" I told him

"Fine I will, Joanna Marshall lives right up this street I think" He said walking ahead

"Are you serious?" I asked him and he carried on walking ignoring me

"Fine then Fuck you!" I shouted at him as he turned a corner. I let out a long sigh and carried on walking to school, I am finished with Simon Minter. I was rambling in my head about how angry I was that this prick made me walk with him and then ditched me to get with another girl before school. I walked up and reached the corner he had turned and was about to carry on walking until someone grabbed me.

"Ah!" I shrieked and this person smashed their lips against mine

"Sure you don't have that crush?" He whispered seductively    

P R I S T I N E // s.minter ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now