: nine :

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: nine :

I swear I might start walking to school

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I swear I might start walking to school. Getting in the car every morning with Simon trying to touch me up is pissing me off.

"Christine!" Ethan shouted upstairs

"Coming!" I called back and grabbed my bag. I am not gonna let Simon try with his tricks today. Just ice him out Christine. I got in the car we picked up Josh and made our way to Simon's house.

"Hey guys" Simon said getting in the car. Ethan started driving continuing his conversation with Josh but Simon didn't try talking to me.

"Morning" I said to him

"Why are you talking to me I thought you didn't like me" Simon replied

"Fine then" I told him turning to the window.

"Someone's grumpy because I won't talk to them" He teased

"Are you sure you don't have some undying love for me?" He asked, but I'm going to ignore him since he wanted to be an idiot when I tried being nice.

"We're not 8 Christine, when you like a boy you don't ignore him and tease each other. When you turn 13 you kind of stop being a frigid" He teased

"Okay I get it you haven't turned 13 yet" He said. The rest of the car journey was quiet and pretty boring seeing as Simon wasn't there to entertain me with our little bickering.

"Thanks Bro" I said getting out of the car and started walking over to Jamie and Tiana.

"Hey" I said

"What's wrong?" I said noticing the look on T's face

"Oh that Instagram page has got her down" Jay said

"Oh God what did it say?" I asked

"Why don't you look for yourself" She put her phone in my face, I took a step back and focused on what it said.

@PrincessTiana has kissed her fair share of frogs to get where she is now. I guess she thought @J_J was the one since she kept going back for more.

"Oh who cares T? They want you to get mad just ignore it" I told her

"That's exactly what I said but she won't listen" Jamie said as we were walking

"I know you're trying to help but they haven't said anything like this about you" She said

"Did you forgot they did post about me" I told her

"Yes but they said you don't get with boys, they said I get with all the boys. That's so much worse, everyone's going to think I'm a slut" She sulked

"Um, everyone thinks I'm frigid because I don't sleep around. I have to get in the car every morning with Simon Minter who teases me about it the entire way to school as he tries to touch me up" I said

"Simon tries to touch you up?" Jamie stopped and turned to me

"No Jamie just leave it" I said realizing Jamie would try to knock him out. Jamie was hard as nails, he could knock you out with one punch and he stood up for his own. Jamie acted like a big brother to me, since I don't talk to Ethan much and Jamie hears everything since he's in our group. I love him to bits but I am not giving him beef over nothing, I know he can handle it but I just don't want to.

"At least Simon's giving you a chance to change your one and not be a prude but me there's no coming back from this" T said

"What?" I said in disbelief, she looked at me confused

"Did you just call me a prude?" I asked her

"No Christine that's not what I'm saying it's just you don't go for boys, you're all school focused and that's good" She said

"So what you're saying is you think I'm a prude?" I asked her getting annoyed

"No you heard what I said" She replied

"Yeah I did and all I got was that I'm a nerdy prude, thanks T" I said storming off so I didn't lose my temper

"Hey Christine... Come back" Jay shouted after me but I didn't listen I carried on walking. I didn't expect them to come running after me, Tiana is his actual sister he should comfort her while I calm my temper. I walked around the corner and bumped in to Simon

"Hey watch it!" He said before noticing it was me

"Oh hey" He smirked

"Shutthe fuck up" I said before pulling his tie and brought his lips on to mine.    


aaAAA I love this chapter sm <3

also shoutout to sidemen2002 all up in my notifs voting on all the chapters on my first book <3

P R I S T I N E // s.minter ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now