: twenty two :

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: twenty two :

"Oi Minter your birds over there" JJ shouted as I walked into the lunch hall with Tyler and Ollie

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"Oi Minter your birds over there" JJ shouted as I walked into the lunch hall with Tyler and Ollie

"So you're Simon's thang" Tyler said to me as we ignored JJ

"I am not Simon's thing" I told him as we sat down with Jamie and Tiana

"Mhmm" Jamie hummed

"Oh shut up, I am not" I said getting annoyed at the fact everyone keeps pestering me about it because I am not.

"Really what did you do this weekend?" Tyler asked

"Simon" Jamie said under his breath and the rest of them started laughing

"Very funny" I gave him a screw face

"The Virgin Mary and Simon Minter" Tyler said

"I am not with Simon Minter" I was getting really angry

"I thought Christine Payne never lied" Tiana laughed

"Well this is a first" Ollie chimed in

"Fuck you guys" I slammed my fists on the table and stormed out of the lunch hall. As I was walking out I saw Simon out of the corner of my eye getting up and jogging after me.

"I don't want to see you right now" I turned round and said to him before he could catch up to me

"Chris I just wanna make sure you're okay" He said stopping in his tracks

"Well don't" I said and turned around continuing to walk off outside. I was so fucking angry; they're meant to be my friends. I don't care if it was just a joke they saw that it was pissing me off the should've stopped. I got to the field and threw my bag on the ground with force. I was so angry I just wanted to put my fist through a wall. There was a tree next to me and I began punching the shit out of it.

"Hey stop!" Simon ran up to me

"I told you I didn't want to fucking see you" I said turning to him, my blood was boiling.

"Well I wanted to see you and make sure you were okay, which you clearly are not" He said remaining calm with me

"Just fuck off you twat" I said and threw a hard punch at the tree. My hands already cut and hurting but it didn't bother me, the anger was numbing the pain.

"Stop, look at what you're doing to yourself" He said coming closer

"Take one more fucking step towards me and I'm swinging. I'm not joking this time. Can you just fuck off and leave me alone" I said

"Fine, but if you start hurting yourself again, I'm gonna stop you" He said holding his hands up

"I fucking dare you" I said as I turned and threw a few more hard blows at the tree.

"Stop it Chris" He hugged around my body holding my arms to my sides. He picked me up and took my away from the tree

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I shouted squirming trying to get out of his hold

"No look at what you're doing to yourself" He turned me around to face his as he put his hands on my shoulders leaning down to my height.

"I care about you and I'm not going to let you sit here and be angry and hurt yourself like this" He said looking down at my knuckles. I looked down at them to see them shaking vigorously and bloody. Without being able to stop myself I started crying. I was so angry I just broke down crying. Simon brought me in to a tight hug as I cried into his chest. His long arms wrapped around me holding me close as he rested his chin on my head, he didn't say anything he just let me get it out.

"I'm such a fuck up" I sobbed

"Shhh, don't say that. You're not a fuck up Christine and don't you ever think that" He said. I carried on crying and he placed a soft kiss on the top of my head. I could feel his heartbeat, it was fast. It calmed me down knowing how much he cared.

"Thank you" I said hugging him tightly calming down after a while

"I don't wanna see you upset" He said letting go of me. I bent down to grab some tissues form my bag to dry my face.

"Sorry about your shirt" I sniffled trying to laugh it off as I patted the tissue under my eyes

"It's fine" He said looking down at it, no mascara came off which was good.

"D'you need to go back to your friends?" I asked when my breaths were steady again

"Depends are you going back to yours?" He asked and I shook my head sniffing

"Then no" He smiled

"But we do need to get you to the nurse for those hands" He looked down at my hands again which had stopped shaking

"No it's fine I'll use my water bottle to clean them off" I said going to my bag to get it

"NoI'm taking you to the nurse" He said picking up my bag and slinging it over onehis shoulders as his other hand snaked around my waist and started walking meback towards school.     


Sorry I didn't upload yesterday I was just so tired. I got home from school, I didn't eat dinner, I watched the new Riverdale (WHICH IS MAD BY THE WAY, I LOVE CHUCK THE SEXY LIGHTSKIN OH LAAWWWWWWWWD HE IS DUMB FINE) and went to sleep.



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