: sixteen :

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: sixteen :

"So I heard your little friend is having a party this weekend" Simon said as we were sat in the backseat of Ethan's car

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"So I heard your little friend is having a party this weekend" Simon said as we were sat in the backseat of Ethan's car

"What of it?" I replied

"Nothing just saying. You gonna be there?" He asked

"Of course, he is my best friend" I replied not looking at him instead my gaze was out of the window watching our surroundings pass us.

"Why you being so blunt?" He asked placing his hand on my thigh

"As I have said every time you talk to me; I don't like you" I said still looking outside

"Yet you still left my hand on your leg, I think I'm changing little Pristine Christine" He said

"Pristine Christine?" I looked at him

"Yep, I've decided that's your new nickname since you're a goody two shoes with a pristine record" He said, I scoffed and removed his hand from my leg.

"I am not a goody two shoes" I hissed

"Have I annoyed you?" He pouted

"Nope" I said popping the 'p'

"Let's put an end to your goody two shoes reputation then, bunk a lesson with me" Simon proposed the idea and I gave him a look

"Incase you haven't already realized; I do not care what you think of me" I told him maybe a little too loud because Josh turned around

"What's going on back here?" He asked his voice deep and rough

"Nothing so turn back around" I said

"Someone's feisty" He smirked

"She just needs some good dick" Simon laughed, I scoffed and made a screw face

"I'll happily volunteer" Josh smirked

"Oi, stop it man that's my sister" Ethan said elbowing Josh, then Josh and Simon started laughing as Josh turned back around.

"Meet me at the field behind the school for 3rd period and we'll find out if you're still a goody two shoes" Simon whispered in my ear. It made me feel all weird inside and I don't know why because I definitely don't have a crush on Simon Minter.


"What do we have now?" T asked

"Science" I looked at my timetable on my phone. We were on our way to 3rd period, the one where Simon wanted me to meet him. Was I going to bunk a lesson, no fucking way. We went into Mrs. Bell's science classroom and took our seats. The lesson was pretty boring and I was tempted to leave and meet Simon but I can't bunk a lesson and get a mark on my record. Maybe I should, this mint condition school record really stops me from doing normal teenage things like skiving lessons, being late, getting detentions and just getting in trouble. What am I thinking? Simon is really getting in my head, making me want to do things I'd never do like ever. I got up and went to the front of the class, I showed Mrs. Bell my out of lesson pass and she let me leave. I don't know why I felt so good about skipping this lesson but I did, I started speed walking to where Simon told me to meet him.

"Well, well, well I never though I'd see you out here" I heard from behind me as I walked through the field.

"I didn't think I'd be out here either" I smiled turning to face him

"So what's the plan sunshine?" He wrapped his arms around my waist and looked down at me

"I didn't come out here to have sex with you a field" I took his arms off me

"Fine then buh bye" He turned around to walk back to school

"I swear to god you better be joking" I put my hand on my hip

"Of course I am" He chuckled turning back to me. He sat on the floor and looked up at me,

"You know if you stood a bit closer I could see up your skirt" He smirked so I kicked him in the shin.

"What the fuck?" He cursed

"You know how I always threaten to hurt you and you never think I'd do it? Yeah I will do it" I smiled. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down and I fell on top of him.

"You idiot" I laughed as I was laying on top of him. After I stoppedlaughing I noticed he was half smiling looking into my eyes and when I lookedback into his he leaned in and I met him in the middle. This kiss was soft andpassionate, was I falling into this trap he had laid out for me?    


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