: nineteen :

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: nineteen :

"So, you and Simon Minter" Tiana said as we were in Mr Hills English class

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"So, you and Simon Minter" Tiana said as we were in Mr Hills English class

"What are you talking about me and Simon Minter?" I said continuing with my work

"Come on Christine, I saw you in Tyler's room" He chuckled

"I wasn't in Ty's room, and even if I was it wouldn't be with Simon" I lied

"Are you sure?" She asked

"Certain, why is everyone accusing me of having a crush on Simon it's starting to get annoying now" I said acting low key pissed off trying to sell my lie

"Okay, okay, I'll stop" She giggled

"Did you see Ollie necking on with that girl at the party?" I asked her changing the subject

"Yeah, I felt like such a proud mum" She laughed

"Who was the girl?" I asked because I never clocked her face

"I don't know, Ollie hasn't mentioned it" She shrugged as my phone vibrated in my pocket. I sneakily pulled it out under the table and checked what notification it was.

Come out and chill with me - S

A text from Simon, how the hell did he get my number? I never gave him my number.

How did you get my number you creep? - C

I text back and left my phone to sit on my lap for when he texts back. I carried on doing the work and about 3 minutes later my phone buzzed again

I have my ways. Now come outside - S

Ugh. I am not just leaving lesson for him, I did it once I can't keep using my pass because they'll ring my mum saying my anger has come back on which it hasn't and they'll make me go to the counsellor again.

No – C

Why? - S

Because I can't keep using my pass to let me out and I'm happy here in my classroom – C

Say you have to see the nurse – S

No – C

Chris don't be boring, come on live a little – S

I am not boring because I stay in my classroom. There is a difference between being a rule breaker and being boring and he needs to learn that I am neither of those. Well this lesson is pretty boring. I already know this Shakespeare stuff because I'm ahead of the class.

"You know I feel really sick" I said to T

"D'you need to see the nurse?" she asked looking up from her book

"I think so" I held my stomach. I got all my stuff together and told the teacher who let me go. I can't believe I'm dong this. I walked out of school to the field because I knew he'd be there.

"I knew you couldn't resist me" Simon smirked

"Oh shut up, class was boring" I told him

"Whatever you're going to tell yourself sunshine" He said

"Don't get used to it" I said sitting down next to him

"Skirts getting shorter I see" He said looking down at my skirt

"It is not, and my eyes are up here" I lifted his chin to face me

"I think I'm having a bit of an effect on you" He smirked

"Go on" I told him

"Skipping class, swearing, you know the usual naughty stuff" he said, as much as I hated to admit it he is. I never noticed it but now that's he's said it, it's true.

"Soon you'll switch from those ankle socks to the knee high ones, you'll wear a tighter short sleeved blouse instead of the loose long sleeved one you have now, you'll stop wearing the blazer and that skirt will be hiked right up" He smirked

"I will not" I laughed at how much depth he went into

"Hey I won't be complaining" He said

"Stop being dirty otherwise I'm going back inside" I threatened

"I'm not being dirty that's just my personality" He said

"Well stop it" I said

"I'll try and contain myself, but that skirt has definitely gotten shorter" He smirked

"It's not even rolled up" I told him

"Well you're growing then" He said

"Simon, I'm 17 years old I am not growing" I laughed

"I keep forgetting you're a younger" He said

"I'm only year below you, does that really make me a younger" I said

"Yes because you are younger than me hence making you a younger" He explained as I took my blazer off because it was quite warm outside

"Told you, ditching the blazer already" He smirked eyeing me up and down

"It's hot out, I'm not gonna sit in a big heavy blazer" I tried to reason

"Okay, how do you explain the tight shirt?" He smirked

"I'm not wearing a tight shirt, like you said earlier it's loose" I told him

"Please, your button is about to pop off because it's so tight on your chest, who you trying to look sexy for?" He wiggled his eyebrows

"First of all stop eyeing up my boobs, you'll never get there and I'm not doing this for anyone" I told him

"Really?" He didn't believe me

"It's not for anyone and especially not you and it must've shrunk in the wash" I told him

"Okay" He smiled still not believing me

"I'm not lying" I said

"I said okay" He smiled

"Oh fuck off" I chuckled

"Told you I'm having an influence on you" He laid back a bit

"Okay maybe you are, but don't get too happy I'm not gonna become some little sex fiend" I smiled

"I'm not a sex fiend" He defended himself

"Really how many girls have you hooked up with this school year?" I asked him keep in mind It's only early January.

"I don't want to answer" He said looking at he floor

"Aw, have I made you realize something" I chuckled swinging my legs over his.

"It's not that many, only 5" He admitted

"Well you're beating me" I laughed

"Well I could give up your numbers" He smirked leaning in

"Letme think about it" I said and he connected out lips    

P R I S T I N E // s.minter ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now