: thirty four :

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: thirty four :

"What are you doing here?" Simon asked opening the door to his house with no top on

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"What are you doing here?" Simon asked opening the door to his house with no top on

"I came to see you, am I not allowed to do that?" I asked

"Um... I'm a little busy right now Chris" He said

"Oh okay" I said disappointed

"I'm sorry, I'll text you later" He said

"I would give you a lift home, but – Simon why you taking so long?" Someone shouted in the background. A girl's voice. Simon's head leant against the door, knowing he'd just fucked everything up

"No it's fine, I get it you're a little pre occupied" I said turning around and storming off. He didn't bother to say anything or come after me. How could he fucking do this? I sped walked all the way home and went straight to my room slamming the door closed. I punched my pillow a few times before breaking down crying and burying my face in it. How could I have been so stupid? Everything people said was true. Every fucking thing he told me about how we'll prove them wrong was all lies. Just another girl he's screwed over. I fell right into the trap even though I told myself not to. All that shit about him changing was just an act to get me into bed. He doesn't love me.

Knock knock knock

"Go away" I said

"Christine it's me" I recognized Ethan's voice

"Go away" I said between sobs

"Can I come in?" He asked, I didn't answer I just kept my face buried in my hands. He came in anyway.

"Are you okay?" He asked closing the door behind him

"Do I look okay?" I said my voice cracking

"Sorry stupid question" He said

"What did he do?" He asked

"Turned me away because he had another girl over" I sniffed

"Are you sure?" Ethan asked

"He answered the door with no top on and I heard her" I said crying more when I said it

"Fucks sake" Ethan sighed

"Don't act like that, he's your friend you won't do anything to him" I sniffed

"Why do you think I kept telling you not to date him because I knew he'd fuck up somewhere down the line and I'd have to go kill him. I told you not to because I don't want to beat up my friend" He said

"Then don't" I cried

"I have to you're my sister, family first" He said

"Thanks Ethan" I said hushed

"It's fine but don't be upset because mum and dad won't let you hear the end of it" He said going towards the door

"I'll leave you for a bit" He said leaving and closing the door. I laid back on the bed crying quietly to myself. I feel so stupid. I fell for all his tricks and I believed that he loved me when he said it. What kind of person can string someone along for nearly 8 months in total? Obviously he can and feel no remorse. All he wants is to break a girl's heart. He must get some kind of kick out of doing it. He is a prick and I never want to see him again.

Iwant to hate him but I love him so much.    



Next chapter is the last chapter and I'm sad but I hope you guys enjoyed 

P R I S T I N E // s.minter ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now