: thirty two :

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: thirty two :

4 months me and Simon have been together and of course all people can do in this school is chat shit about it

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4 months me and Simon have been together and of course all people can do in this school is chat shit about it. 'He's just trying to get in her pants' 'Someone so hot can't date someone like her' 'Just wait she'll soon be crying over him like the rest'. Well people can fuck off. He's changed. I mean it he's changed he still has an attitude trying to be the tough guy and all that but he's sweet. He'll be leaving school soon. I still haven't had sex with him. Although we have done some other stuff. But like I said he's changed he always makes sure I'm okay before we do something sexual. He always tells me he doesn't want me to feel forced into doing it because he wants to. My parents don't approve of it. Me and Simon. I don't care what they say I love him. Yeah I love Simon Minter and he loves me too. He was the first one to say it. Imagine that.

"Morning Pristine" He said as I walked out of my house

"Afternoon" I said

"Is it?" He asked

"Yes" I smiled

"Well let's go the film starts in half an hour" He said opening the car door. He has his own car now, he picks me up for school and now when we go on dates he can drive instead of walking. We drove to the cinema in town and he had chosen for us to watch Murder on the Orient Express. Sounds Good.

"What do you want Sunshine?" He asked

"Popcorn" I replied

"Drinks?" He asked

"Coke Zero please" I said

"Sure thing" he said and told the man at the till

"£28.60" He said, I pulled my purse out to pay some but Simon beat me to it

"You gotta let me pay sometimes you know" I said putting my purse back in my bag

"You can get it next time babe" He said and I rolled my eyes knowing that was not true. We collected our stuff and went into the screen showing the woman our tickets.

"This is us" He said and we walked into the row of seats taking ours. We sat through all the boring ads trying not to munch all of the popcorn as we sat bored. During the film Simon, the cheesy bugger, did the old yawing trick and wrapped his arm around me.

"You're so cheesy" I playfully hit his arm

"Iknow" He whispered back giving me a kiss    


WOoooooOO We're on 1.6K views!!! Thank you guys so much <3 <3 <3

I know I say this overtime but this book is growing so fast and I appreciate all the love it gets it makes me really happy that people are enjoying this <3 <3

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