: thirteen :

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: thirteen :

"I got bored downstairs, what's up" He said sitting on the bed next to me

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"I got bored downstairs, what's up" He said sitting on the bed next to me

"Go home Simon, I don't like you" I told him

"Yeah well I wanted to see you" He said

"I'm not gonna get with you" I said not looking up from my laptop as he sat on my bed

"We'll see about that" He ran his hand up the inside of my leg

"Listen you are perfect kicking distance; I reckon I could break your nose if I kicked you hard enough" I said still looking at my laptop screen.

"You know you don't want to do that" He smirked and began kissing my leg getting higher up. I set my laptop aside and grabbed his cheeks and lifted his face up. He looked kinda funny, like a fish so I had to stop myself from smiling as I was trying to be serious.

"Leave me alone" I told him

"Fine, I'll stop" He rolled his eyes and I put my laptop back on my lap

"Frigid" He muttered under his breath loud enough for me to catch

"Not gonna work" I teased

"Lets watch something" Simon said getting next to me in my bed

"No go away, I told you to go home because I'm not going to get with you and you can't put a film on and cuddle up next to me trying to make it happen." I told him closing my laptop

"Then what are we gonna do?" He asked

"You're gonna go home and not show up at my house uninvited" I told him

"Well invite me next time" He said

"No because I don't like you" I looked at him

"I don't like you either" He said and connected our lips. We kissed for quite a while until he took my laptop and put it on my bedside table

"This is me telling you to leave" I said between kisses as I got on top of him and straddled his waist.

"This is me walking out the door" He said kissing down my neck leaving his marks all over again. His hands went under my top and sat on my waist. His lips travelled back up my neck and met mine again.

"Sure you don't have that crush?" He said catching his breath

"Positive" I smiled and put my lips against his again, he rolled us over so he was on top and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I ran my hands through his blonde hair as he tugged at my top trying to get me to take it off.

"No" I broke the kiss

"What?" He asked

"I'm not taking my top off; I have no bra on" I said feeling awkward that I had to say that

"I know" He smirked catching his breath

"Don't be disgusting, I wouldn't let you do it even if I had a bra on" I told him

"I've seen your bra" He replied

"No you haven't" I replied smiling kind of embarrassed and awkward

"Um yes I did the other week when you were so keen to get your school shirt off" He made a face trying to prove me wrong

"Oh shut up" I laughed as I looked up at him.

"When's someone gonna be home?" He asked hands rested on my waist

"5ish" I replied

"Got loads of time" He smirked

"I'm not having sex with you" I told him once again

"I don't like repeating myself but you know you want to, and that kiss was telling me otherwise" he said

"Moments over, get off me" I told him

"What?" He chuckled

"I said get off me" I smiled

"Okay will do" He said leaning down and connecting our lips, this time it was gentle and soft. It was over too soon; I was enjoying it but he had to pull away. I bet that was another one of his tricks a slow, passionate kiss not like the other ones trying to lure me in. Well I'm not stupid. Simon rolled back over onto the other side of the bed.

"Oh you're staying?" I asked him

"Yeah all the boys are out so I have nothing to do" He said placing one hand behind his head as he looked at the ceiling.

"So, I'm just some kind of backup option?" I asked him

"Yep" He said popping the 'p'

"Okay get out" I said

"I'm kidding Christine" He chuckled

"You know what, I'm thinking about it and I think you have a crush on me" I said looking at him

"Really, well I'd like to hear your reasons for this" Simon turned to face me and wrapped an arm around me

"Well" I started and wrapped my leg over his

"You've never tried this hard with a girl, like ever" I said

"Hmm... debatable doesn't mean I have a crush" he said

"You came over today because you "wanted to see me"" I continued

"Again doesn't mean I have crush" He repeated

"Umm, yeah it does" I said

"How do you know that it wasn't just to hang out in a friendly way" He said

"Because we are not friends" I told him

"Wow, I'm hurt" He held a hand on his heart

"You blew off your actual friends to come and see me" I stated

"Okay, I'll give you that one but still no crush" He said

"And now you're sitting here cuddling, you have a crush Simon Minter" I teased him

"I do not now stop saying it" he said

"You have a crush; you have a crush" I sang teasing him as he got so wound up

"Fuck off" He said

"No this is my house; why don't you fuck off" I smiled

"Uh oh, you said a bad word" Simon teased

"Shut up I am not this goody two shoes little girl you think I am; you have me figured out all wrong" I told him

"Whydon't you tell me about it then" He said with a soft smile pulling me a bitcloser    


I decided on a third upload today bc this continues from the last one and i didn't want to wait until tomorrow to post it <3

P R I S T I N E // s.minter ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now