: seventeen :

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: seventeen :

"So we have an hour to kill" Simon said as we sat in the field with each other

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"So we have an hour to kill" Simon said as we sat in the field with each other

"Well take any sexual act off of your list because it's not happening" I told him flicking my hair behind my back

"We'll see" He winked at me

"Don't do that, I don't like you so stop winking and smirking at me like I do" I said

"You can deny that crush on me all you want, doesn't get rid of your feelings towards me" He teased

"Well I heard that from Laura Watkins who heard from Josh that Simon Minter is trying to get with a girl in my year, who he has a crush on" I raised my brows

"I'm gonna kill that prick" I heard him say under his breath

"Oh so you do" I teased

"Who's the unlucky girl?" I asked

"No one" He replied getting wound up

"Come on tell me" I giggled poking his side

"You don't wanna know" He said

"Why not?" I asked

"You'll start admitting all these feelings building inside you" He said trying to wind me up

"Fine don't tell me, she's probably easy anyway I feel bad for her" I said

"Oh no she's not easy, she's very hard to get with" He said

"Let me guess Elise Parker" I said

"No" He replied

"Renae Bolton"

"Never ever Renae Bolton"

"Yasmine Jackson"


"Well they're all the hard to get girls in my year" I shrugged

"Forgetting someone" He said

"I thought you didn't like me" I smirked

"I'm a liar, I lie" He said

"Well I don't so I still don't like you" I smiled

"Harsh" He said

"Sorry hun" I chuckled

"I know you like me pristine" He said

"Please don't tell me that nickname is gonna catch on" I said

"No it's my nickname for you" He smiled

"Wow, this crush has grown into special nicknames" I teased

"It doesn't bother me when you tease me you know; I know it bothers you when I tease you" He said

"And so what if it does" I tilted my head

"Proves you like me" He said with his signature smirk

"Do go on" I chuckled

"I got Kilburn's golden child to bunk a lesson" He said

"I have authorization to be out here actually, I'm smarter than you I won't get in trouble for this" I smiled

"Well I still got you to come out of lesson and meet me of all people, someone you claim to not like" He said

"Okay I'll give you that one" I shrugged

"So you're admitting finally to that crush you have on me" He smirked

"Look at you getting all excited" I poked his side

"I'm not excited; it doesn't bother me if you lie about not liking me back" He shrugged

"Are you sure?" I teased him

"We'll see how you feel at that party, I'm sure you'll find your way to me" He smirked

"Don't bet on it" I told him as I laid back. We still had a solid 45 minutes out here, thank God Simon doesn't make things awkward. I don't have a crush on him and he doesn't want to take that as an answer but you know whatever helps him sleep at night.

"So what can we do now?" I asked

"Play never have I ever" he suggested

"Incase you haven't noticed I am the most boring person" I told him

"I think I might learn a few things about you" The smirk still plastered on his face as he laid back next to me

"I'll start never have I ever had a boyfriend" He said

"I have never" I told him

"Seriously?" he sat up surprised

"Yep" I popped the 'p'

"I've heard it but I never thought it was true" He said

"Yep and you won't be my first" I told him

"Why not?" He asked finding it funny

"Because you screw girls over and I am not jumping into my first relationship knowing I will end up heart broken" I said sitting up a bit so I could see him

"Not all girls, I've been screwed too" He tried to defend himself

"Nah, I can't even stick to that" he laughed

"But I don't screw over girls, they get attached too easily that's not my fault" He held his hands up in innocence

"Maybe you shouldn't lead them on and feed them lies to get them into bed" I told him

"You know I'd never do that to you" He said coming closer

"Feeding me lies won't get me into bed" I tease

P R I S T I N E // s.minter ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now