: twenty three :

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: twenty three :

"What happened then dear?" The school nurse asked as she cleaned up my hands

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"What happened then dear?" The school nurse asked as she cleaned up my hands

"I got angry and started punching stuff" I told her

"I hope you didn't break anything" She said

"No, it wasn't any school stuff. It was a tree outside" I replied

"No, no I meant your wrist or fingers" The nurse chuckled

"Oh, yeah" I giggled feeling embarrassed

"Mr. Minter I don't suppose you were the reason Miss Payne was punching trees?" She asked as she washed her hands in the sink next to where Simon was standing

"No he was trying to calm me down" I said

"Well that's a nice change" She smiled and Simon rolled his eyes when she turned her back to him. She bandaged up my hands because I couldn't make a fist anymore, she said I haven't broken anything but she can't be sure. She said to just take it easy, so I'll be having a laptop to do school work for the meantime since I can't move my right hand fingers let alone hold a pen.

"Sure you want to be seen walking around school with me?" I asked Simon as we walked out of the nurse's room

"I think I should be asking you that" He chuckled

"I don't mind; I have no friends at the moment" I said

"You're all mine" He grinned putting an arm around me. We walked through the school corridors and of course people were gossiping and whispering about us as we walked past. I just brushed it all off and we went back to the field for the last 20 minutes of lunch.

"What're you gonna do next lesson then?" He asked as we sat down

"If I go into lesson Tiana will try to talk to me and I don't want to talk to any of them" I said

"I can get both of us out of lesson" I said

"Yeah how?" He asked

"Well I can say I'm trying to calm my temper and I have hard evidence of that" I held up my hand

"I can say you're helping me" I continued

"Oh really and would this help" He smirked seeing it as a chance to make out with me. He connected out lips and l wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Just what I needed" I smirked as we pulled away

"So what's the plan for the next 2 hours?" He smirked

"Wipe that smirk off your face Minter" I told him laughing

"Fine I guess we can talk to each other" He sighed and rolled his eyes

"Oh shut up" I laughed at him

"Let's play truth or dare" He suggested

"Okay but no dirty dares" I said crossing my legs

"Truth or dare?" He asked

"Truth" I replied

"Do you have a crush on me?" He asked

"ughh, give it a rest Simon, you're starting to come off desperate" I teased him, he sat there waiting for my answer

"Okay yes" I answered looking at the floor

"I knew it" He grinned

"Shut up, you liked me first" I laughed looking up at him

"Alright, I get it. My turn" He smiled

"Truth or dare?" I asked

"Let's start boring, truth" He replied

"Are you gonna ask me on a date?" I smiled rocking back and forth

"Maybe" he smirked

"No no no, play properly" I told him

"Well I don't know" He shrugged

"Wow way to be smooth" I chuckled

"Do you want me to ask you out?" He smirked

"Not my question" I replied

"Okay truth or dare?" He asked

"I'll spice it up, dare" I smirked

"Kiss me" He said, I rolled my eyes and leaned on giving him a kiss on the cheek

"Hey!" He said

"What?" I smiled

"You can't just kiss me on the cheek" He told me

"You didn't say where" I smiled     


Don't really have anything more to say I just like that gif :)

P R I S T I N E // s.minter ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now