Dothraki Wedding

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Only a day had passed before the Magistar and his associates had begun to prepare the edge of the island for the ceremony of the wedding to Daenarys and Khal Drogo.

The Magistar had mainly gather most of the gifts for the Groom and Bride, the Dothraki where the ones who brought the food and entertainment.

It was a rather unpleasant sight, hearts of horses with blood still flowing were frying, dead animal corpses that looked like cats to be drying out in the sun, the dark color ale didn't seem to please the taste buds either.

Magistar after Magistar brought gifts, some brought jewels, books, pets, food, and even gold.

Viserys sat with Illyrio and watched the dorthraki entertainment.

Men and women violently fought and preformed sexual acts with each other.

Rhaenella sat beside Illyrio and kept her eyes down to her feet, not wanting to continue staring at the savage acts of the people surrounding her.

Viserys had not wanted to speak with her for the day and she didn't much quite mind it either. But her mind did keep wondering back to her sister.

Occasionally when she lifted her eyes she could see her sister sitting beside the man who was now her husband, his broad stature with an angered face only enjoying the slaughter of the man who's guts had just been cut open.

Rhaenella didn't know how much she could take.

That is until Illyrio has stood to bring forth the wedding gift he had for the young Khaleesi.

"They're dragons eggs my lady, from the Shadow Lands, forged into stone over the decades but they're still beautiful to look at." He spoke, the case had been opened to reveal 3 gorgeous eggs.

The curiousness in Daenerys eyes spoke for it self, as well for Viserys who seemed confused as to why he hadn't received any as well.

Rhaenella smiles for the first time during the day, she loved to see her sister smile, even if it was for a mere second.

Perhaps it wouldn't be as bad as she had thought for her sister.

As the Khal raised, so did Daenerys, he walked and she followed, with the people surrounding her. Rhaenella now stood to watch her sister pet a white horse, "His gift...." she smiled. He was kind enough to get her a wedding gift.

Viserys had stood to walk over to his sister who now was mounted on the horse. From where she stood she could see his forceful hand tighten around her leg as she took off in the horse with Drogo. Until realization hit her.

"They will consummate the wedding now. We can continue the celebration if we'd so like to." Illyrio spoke as Viserys took his seat again. His smile never fading as he now has made sure that his army was secure.

Illyrio had turned to Viserys, "Your grace, would you mind terribly?" He turned to ask for Rhaenellas hand. At this Viserys shook his head and continued to drink as he watched another woman get savagely fucked.

As Rhaenella stood with the help of Illyrio she could only roll her eyes from disgust, "Of course he would like that...."

As Illyrio helped her walk from the crowd of the Dothraki towards the edge of the water he spoke ever so kindly with her.

"How are you feeling my dearest? Excited to be engaged as well?"

"Oh yes, there's nothing more that I've wished for than to be with a man who could bring me happiness."

Illyrio turned to her with his hands folded, "Now my dear, I may be old but I am no fool. I could see and hear the things your brother had done to you and Daenarys." Rhaenella smile had disappeared as she sighed. "There is no way of changing his mind Magistar. He's got his heart set on reclaiming the throne." "Aye, and he is the rightful heir. We must support him as best we can." Illyrio now nodded as he motioned for his slaves to walk over.

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