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Within the next couple of days that dragged on  slowly, Rhaenella had come to terms of her closed confinement with Margarethe.

Often spending their days indoors as she had gradually distanced herself from the beach.

Some days she'd take a walk with the other blonde, some days they would go pick flowers and others days they exchanged stories of their previous lives.

"It seems as if I'm continuously repeating myself nowadays.....like these memories I share were dreams of a child." Rhaenella whispered as they sat across from eachother.

Margarethe indifferent as always had sighed.

"At least you'd spent some days treated as a slave while I lived it my entire life. You should be grateful instead of complaining." Her hostility never seemed to fade, although both women had come to adjust to each others presence in the absence of Ubbe.

If Ubbe heard any type of mistreatment from his wife to his guest, he'd put a stop to it.

But today both women had shared a long silence, staring into nothing in the dining hall while other servants hurried prepared meals for the prince and his guests.

Ubbe has been busy out in the forest, training to improve his fighting skills. Training was a daily task and necessity for his family but recently it had become the only way to subdue his raging hormones at the sight of his wife.

It seemed that nearly everyday he'd spend morning, mid-day and night on top of Margarethe.

The need to release himself into a woman's flower pained him, he knew that while his body wanted pleasure his mind yearned for affection.

Often he'd find himself staring at the silver princess with want and need that his wife had accused him of unfaithfulness. Of course, he'd assured her that he'd very much still loved her but he did remind her that in his culture he's able to have as many wives as he'd please nevertheless he'd only want to breed his children with her.

Some days, like today, he questioned whether he was trying to convince Margarethe or Himself of that lie.

After his training, his meetings with the town counselors and some nourishment he'd go searching for the girl. Searching in every hiding place in which in several occasions he would find her such as the stables, in the farm, by the beach, in the market, even beside the wells.

He did not find her.

Before he could panic and send a search party, he'd caught the glimpse of a flying shadow above him, larger than that of a bird.

Squinting from the brightness of the sky as his eyes caught glimpse of the creature again. Something which became normal with days passing quickly as the dragon grew. Smirking now as he'd realize that she was nearby is the creature lurked around. Whistling to catch it's attention, extending his hand up in the air, hollering its name. "Rivarion! Where is your mother?"

Vibrating blue eyes turned down to stare at his form as it circled in the sky, it's loud screech now thundered from its growing state. Giving him signal with its tail to follow, Ubbe chuckled and nodded.

Rows of trees disappeared as he climb higher and higher into one of the rocky ledges of their land.

Witnessing the blue dress and silver hair carelessly dance with the wind, Rhaenella stood at the edge. Not close enough to throw herself but enough to feel the raging waves from the ocean beneath.

"You can come out now. I know you've been searching for me." She yelled back, turning to face him now.

"Yes well, I was concerned that you've gone insane and wanted to end your life and low and behold." He chuckled as he approached her with his arms extending out to present the scenery.

"You assume too much."

Standing in front of her, he'd laugh now as he placed a hand onto her shoulder.

"You missed two meals."

"I wasn't hungry."

"You lie." He retorted. His eyes now narrowing at her soft features, his most capable ability was knowing when to assert his dominance and when to become lenient.

"I know you're concern with my brothers well being is keeping you up at night. I know you've refused to sleep, let alone eat, all because you're awaiting for your husband." His words pierced her, almost like a knife, "You may deny it but it's obvious to others Rhae.....you wouldn't have named that after him." He pointed at the creature who dove into the water, feasting itself on the fish that dwell in the surface.

With the wind dying, the tresses of silver hair calmed, her loose dress relaxed onto her figure, these little things is what drove him crazy.

But nothing could compare to her smile.

"You're right. I do hope he returns....things will be different then."

His assumptions where now confirmed.

She did love him.

Whether it be for the short amount of time that they spent together. No matter the insults, threats and captivity that Ivar had thrown at her, the small moments in which she saw his vulnerability they had grown affectionate of each other.

Rivarion has flown its way towards the two at the ledge, landing onto its mother's shoulder. Happily screeching as she nuzzled into his body. Turning her gaze back to the ocean view. Leaving Ubbe to ponder with his disruptive thoughts.

Growing jealousy had begun to bother him.

Being the most level-headed of the four brothers, this continuous torment within his mind was something he'd never enjoy.

"We should go get some food into that stomach of yours, I can practically hear it scream at me." He mustered as he grabbed onto a strand of her hair to place it behind her ear.

"You know me too well." She chuckled now, nodding to him as he offered to follow after her.

Within minutes of returning to town, Ubbe caught glimpse of his wife who had been carrying a basket of flowers. But his eyes ventured back to the backside, more preferably the bottom of the dragon girl. He enjoyed to watch the way her hair would dangle just near to her backside. The increasing temperature and tightness of his body, alerting him of a quick realease.

"Rhaenella, Head back to the dinning hall. I will meet you there." He whispered rather quickly as his large legs carried him to the direction of his wife. Greeting him with a large hug and his lips instantly planting onto her own.

Rhaenella averted her gaze from the couple as she walked away, sorrowful from the loving scenery.

Once again, within minutes and for the third time today Ubbe had been panting and grunting from the form of his wife above his own as she rode him into sweet release. In these moments it's when he'd realize that no other woman had been able to make him feel this way and yet his mind could only picture the amethyst eyes staring back at him.

Spilling his seed into his wife as she moaned his name with her lips digging into his neck. Panting to catch his breath from their love-making, he'd caught her whisper, "She will never be me."

Grabbing his wife's arms to pull her off of him, staring at her with clouded and angered eyes he replied "No. She's not you...She's better."


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