Bitter Farewell

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Breaking the fast with the already savage and eager to depart heathen army had been even more unwelcoming than the feast before.

Rhaenella managed to sneak into the hut without causing a commotion as before, thankfully to Sigurd, who kept her close and reassured her that she had no more need to hide.

Although, the first one to spot her had already began to announce her presence to Ivar.

Helga and Floki always seemed to be right at his side, deep inside Rhaenella wished Helga to be less invasive of her personal space.

Rhaenella had taken a seat beside Margarethe as Ubbe welcomed her with a swig of his morning ale.

"Drinking this early?" The silver haired maiden questioned with a small faltering smile as the man simply chuckled and shrugged, "It is never too late to drink. Besides, it'll keep me from feeling less upset at my brothers who will be going on their quest without me."

At this Rhaenella perked up, she smiled to herself knowing that she will be left in the hands of the less intruding and more gentle brother brought her solace.

"Here darling, eat up, you've been avoiding your food." Helga chirped as she brought a bowl full of what seemed like a soup with vegetables.

"Ah...Thank you Helga it looks very delicious." She replied as the older woman clapped her hands, "Yes well, I usually like to cook my soup before I leave with Floki and I know the men like it as well, I managed to cook enough for the early risers thanks to Margarethe helping also."

Rhaenella caught the woman beside her slightly smile at the blonde, wanting nothing more than to find some sort of friendship, Rhaenella whispered a quick thank you to the woman.

As she began to eat, fingers were gliding down her waist, wrapping and locking it the limb of the man beside her onto the waistline.

Clearing her throat as she swallowed the spoonful of liquid she urged herself to relax at his closeness.

From the corner of her eye she could see him chuckling and smirking at his own bowl of soup.

The hall roared with grunts and burps of the men already getting over their previous drunken state and stimulating onto another.

Hvitserk was the last one of the brothers to enter, his eyes instantly fell into Ivar who was quite honestly too preoccupied twirling his knife around as his eyes stared at the two couples side by side.

The older brother took a seat in between Ivar and Ubbe.

"Looks like you already started without me." He commented, gaining a scoff from Ivar although Ubbe quickly handed him his favorite jug of ale.

"Oh quit your complaining, perhaps if you had hurried to get Rhaenella in here you wouldn't be sulking."

"I did!" He urged, lowering his voice as Ivar leaned in now, "Then how is it that she walked in with Sigurd instead?"

Hvitserk punctured his fork into his food to stuff his own mouth, annoyed and too upset at his own mistake to even answer his brothers.

Helga once again placed a bowl in front of Hvitserk, although now Floki comes to lean into the table and whisper to Ivar.

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