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The walk back to their new and refurbished home, specifically made for the newly wed couple had been silent and exhausting.

Both partners weary from their previous preparations, the toll of the celebration had finally over taking their senses.

Rhaenella yawned, causing Ivar to chuckle as he continue to lead her. "Have you already grown tired of me my flower?"

Shocked and horrified she replied quickly, "I would never! Oh....I apologize didn't mean-"

A roar of laughter erupted from his chest as he shook his head, "You mustn't be so harsh with yourself. Listen your grip on your insecurities my flower." He pecked her hand as he brought it up to his lips, "You are mine as I am yours."

Smiling she nodded, the few of civilians who passed congratulated them as they too headed to slumber.

With heavy lids, the wine that finally rushed through her body had taken over her better judgement as she spoke.

"Ivar....will you give yourself to me, as will I?"

The male turned to look at her, his eyes searching for an answer, mouth agape as he found himself letting his head hang.

"He must hurry." Was all he could muster as he picking up his pace, the metal cringing and squeaking heavily as they walked. Finally coming to a halt to a newer and much larger cabin.

Ivar turned to the girl, "This....This is our new home." His words low and emotionless. Rhaenella dare not to look up at him. He allowed her to step in first, holding the door open, her dress dragging behind her.

Inside, she studied her surroundings.

The cabin different from the smaller one she'd been staying in previously. The furniture surely twice as large. The fire placed freshly lit with firewood.

Standing in the middle of the open room, Rhanella turned to Ivar who had grunted as he sat onto the large bed in the far corner of the cabin. She watched as he placed his weapons down at the table beside their bed. His hands moving to remove the heavy metal frame from his legs.

"M-May I get you a drink?" She questioned lowly, unsure of how to move in her current predicament.

"Absolutely not. Come sit with me. We must talk."  He answered as he patted the bed.

Rhaenella nodded, but hurried went to grab a cup of the ale for herself. Taking a large swing of the ale as she walked to his, their new bed.

The table had been favorably stocked with food and the gifts of their ceremony.

Mentally noting herself to thoroughly look through them as soon as she could.

As she sat, hoping to take another gulp from the ale, before her lips could come into contact with the cup, Ivars hand had snatched the cup away from her hand to toss it across the room, shocking her as she flinched away from the bed.

His nostrils flaring as he rested his hands onto the cane he used to walk. His eyes closed as he continued to breathe heavily.

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