Boneless & Dragoness

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After the declaration of their marriage, his warm hand guided her down the crowd of his army who cheered for their victory.

A loud screech could be heard up in the sky, a shadow figure of her dragon who flew by. Flapping its wings down to cause a gust of wind as it disappeared.

His golden scales glistening with the rays of sun.

"I suppose that is his way to congratulate us."

"Perhaps so." She replied,

The crowd raised their shields up high at the dragon.

Some accustomed to the creature.

Within the crowd of onlookers, four different pairs of eyes watched the couple pass. Each filled with a different emotion.

Lust and Greed.

Envy and Anger.

Admiration and Sadness.

Jealousy and Hate.

Ivar caught sight of the jealousy and hate.

Margarethes eyes could cut through any surface with the sharp jealousy of the woman. Her hate for the silver haired girl couldn't be anymore noticeable. Her eyes sharp and unblinking as she finally watched Ivar smugly raise a brow at her almost as if he mocked her.

Beside her Ivars smile only grew as he watched his eldest brother admiring the girl beside him, but the sadness in his eyes could write long stories of his profound love for the girl. The way his brother admired the girl had caused him to come to a conclusion that he's lost interest in his own wife, which could lead to bitter arguments between the two couples.

A challenge he will enjoy to witness.

As he came close to arriving to the feast inside the dinning hall, another pair of eyes captured Ivars.

A pair of eyes that caused him to double look.

A female. Her blonde hair neatly braided to the side as she smiled softly to the new couple. The deep color of her eyes matched his own and yet radiated with warmth. Something he only ever noticed in Rhaenella. But he did not recognize the girl, something within him wanted to reach out to her.

Beside her a man with a smirk, his eyes acknowledge his presence but only seemed to pay attention to the female.

Ivar noticed the way his lips moved with silent lust. The way his greedy eyes undressed his new bride before he even could caused him to thrust his form to keep his wandering eyes.

"Harald, that old fool."

Another wave of applause and cheers erupted as they entered the feast, claiming their designated seats side by side.

"Sit my flower, for now we must celebrate with food and the bridal ale. Helga, would you please." Ivar started as the girl nodded, her eyes connecting to a pair she tried to ignore as best as she could.

The discomfort of his stare continuously frightened her.

"Here you go my love. This is the bridal ale. You must serve it to your groom." Helga poured the ale into a cup while placing the jug onto the table.

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