Chapter 19-20

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Chapter 19

**Quick announcement** Please check out my new story, The Hourglass: Deja Vu It's a story about reversing time and changing fate with an Hourglass. In a cat-and-mouse chase, Kendall must outsmart and defeat the odds in order to save the lives of those she care about. But what if saving meant sacrificing herself to be stuck in a fate that was worse than death? < Read the full summary + story in the link. Please support!

Day's perspective

"We need some sort of signal, like when someone is in trouble or something," June tells me.

"Got it, but what?"

She hands me a paper clip ring connected on a chain. "I got technology researchers to do it. When you jerk the chain up, it sends a vibration through mine, and vice versa."

I trace the ring, remembering when I gave her one. "Out of all things, a paper clip ring? You remember..."

June looks away but nods a little. "Of course, how could I forget..?"

"Miss Chase, Mr Wing, welcome," A man says after we hand him our invitations. I remember him—Nick, the guy who came to me, asking me to wear the Combatants' mark. I had noted the mark could be erased easily when necessary, probably useful during capture. June had to wear the mark too, luckily Amethyst stolen an extra from the Combatants after she thought of her plan. She said she did it when a representative came to visit, and with research found that he knew she was a Combatant, but did not know she was Amethyst Chase, so it was safe for June to go. Still, I keep fearing someone actually knows how Amethyst looks like. To be honest, I did not fully trust Amethyst, but she did create my Anti-Alterers, and even if it was a trap, Anden and June had assigned backup and we were equipped with a micro-earpiece. No one could recognize the earpiece, unless you understood the technology and bothered to look for it. Otherwise, who would go around looking at other people's ears?

Nowadays, I worry less about Eden, knowing he has a job, and that people I know for years are there to protect him, but one of the conditions of me joining the Combatants was that Eden stay untouched. They knew very well even if they didn't agree, they could still force me to join them, but they said yes anyway. The Combatants even offered Eden a bunker when they attacked, but I refused, because I want Eden to be on the other side of the war, with June, Tess and the others.

Inside, music plays and there are crowds of people, some even proudly wearing Antarctica uniforms, but they all bear the common mark of the Combatants.

"I'll go talk to Nick Franwell," June tells me under her breath.

"I'll be nearby," I nod as she makes her way towards Nick.

Be careful what you say to him, I think. But then again, my June is smart enough.

Chapter 20

I find Nick standing off to the side, setting down a glass of whiskey on the table next to him.

"Mr Franwell."

"Miss Chase. Why aren't you with your companion?" He asks.

"Him?" I look behind at Day as part of the act. "No way! He's so freaky, like one moment he's fine, the other he's squatting on the floor screaming. Are you so sure he's useful to us? To me he's just a lunatic," I say with my best imitation of Amethyst, using an accent.

"So you're saying the Alterer isn't working on him?" Nick raises an eyebrow.

"It is, I think. He rarely does that anymore, but I still despise him."

Nick laughs, a gentle, half-drunk laugh. "It appears to me you despise everyone, Miss Chase."

"Puh-lease, not you. You're probably the only normal one, and just call me Amethyst," I say, stepping closer. I didn't like being that close to him, but it seemed like an Amethyst-like thing to do. It would surprise me if she wasn't a flirt at parties. "It kind of upsets me, you know. Nobody even told me who our leader is. Is it Mr Parker?"

"I'm not supposed to say this, but—" He leans forwards and whispers into my ear, "Yes, of course."

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Day, eyes blazing.

"Hmm. I did start to think you would make a good leader, y' know." I flick my locks over my shoulder. "By the way, is there some sort of way to cure Day Wing? That June Iparis was asking me to help, and of course I didn't, but is there really?"

"Dear me, they should really tell you more. Of course there is. My brother put it in, he can take it out. But only he knows how," Nick tells me, then gestures to a man talking to a few others. "That's my brother, Joseph."

I only saw Surgeon Franwell once, he was awfully quiet then. I did not know his name back then, but he was supposedly one of the best.

"Amethyst, I would love to stay and chat more, but Mr Parker needs me," Nick says, looking down at his watch that was beeping. "Hope to see you again, I am indeed pleased to be of your acquaintance."

"Same here," I reply, searching for Day as Nick leaves.

"Looking for me?" Someone says under his breath.

"I think I have enough information, you go look for war plans, I doubt they will tell Amethyst anyway. Shall I leave first?" I whisper to Day.

"You should, in case someone talks to you and realises you're not her." I nod, making my way to the exit.

"Miss Chase, leaving so soon?" A man asks as I'm about to reach the exit, and he is accompanied by a few others.

"I'm afraid I don't feel so well, Mr Parker."

"Is that so? Unfortunately, you'll have to come with me miss, or should I say, June Iparis."

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