Chapter 31

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  • Dedicated to CBS Films, who's making the LEGEND MOVIE (finally some smart companies)

Votes appreciated :) Usually will vote back. Comment if you have an opinion on how I should correct my story, or how you find my story!


June’s perspective

“Miss Chase.” I wake to see a man greeting a lady in a lab coat, holding an outfit. Amethyst.

“Mr Pines, you may proceed to the outer chambers. I need a private word with Miss Iparis here, orders of Mr Parker,” She raises her chin, a move I’ve seen her make when she was working and required authority.

“Of course, Miss Chase.” He steps aside, leaving the place, and Amethyst cranes her neck to watch him go before turning back and reaching for a pair of keys.

“Nice seeing you, prodigy,” Amethyst almost smiles, as she opens the door to my cell, throwing me some clothes. “From now on, you’re Miss Alison Athens, new recruit of the medical apartment, hailing from the Republic. Apparently, you are needed as a spy to the Republic and shall be escorted back there, where my presence is also required for a meeting there.” She fastens on my ID card for me. “They say seven people in the world look like you, and they weren’t wrong. Alison looks a darn lot like you, and I sent her off to a wild-goose chase in China, confiscating her items. Hold this.” She passes me files and spectacles that I put on.

“That theory is unproved therefore false,” I state and Amethyst bends down.

“Oh, leave your intelligence for later,” She snaps, but I catch her grin before she turns away. “This mini-bomb will wipe out soldiers that come in later, basically anyone in proximity.”

“Reckon it will wreck the building?” I laugh and Amethyst casts me a look, but she still smiles.

“Come on. Walk by me, Alison. We’ll go by the back.”

We leave the chambers, passing Mr Pines, who seems unsuspicious. “Mr Pines, I recommend you not entering the room soon. Giving June a while to consider is a good idea.” Amethyst tells him.

Mr Pines nods as I hang my head low, balancing the huge spectacles. We head down, me carrying my files in front. I am careful not to catch too much attention, though many stop to look at Amethyst, or speak to her (one to even ask her out, and of course, Amethyst simply continued forward, ignoring), simply because Amethyst was like the human-Aphrodite-and-Athena-mix, quite literally. We walk out a door, scanning our ID cards.

But before I leave, I hear someone mutter “June”, so low and it seems to be said not consciously.

“Oh don’t look like that, June. Everyone knows the Republic’s prodigy is gorgeous. If you just hung your head higher, you would attract attention too,” Amethyst laughs as she pushes a panel, I note, fourth from the right, and a series of numbers appear. She presses the numbers 3, 6 and 5 quickly. Of course, I was not wondering about that, but about the person that said my name. I hadn’t been able to see that stranger’s face.

Or was it really a stranger?

“Stop. We have to go back in there,” I say.


“Day is there—“ I start, but someone grips me from behind, stronger than Amethyst could ever grip.

“We have to move, fast,” I turn and see that it’s Pascao.

“I swear I saw Day—“ Suddenly I’m hurled up by Pascao, who rushes me to a Combatants First Aid van.

“Too big. I expected something stealthier—“ Amethyst notes.

“PUT ME DOWN!” I yell, trashing around, but quickly fall onto the ground, so hard I could pick gravel out of my chin and knees for months. When I turn, I see that it was a Combatant that shot Pascao, forcing him to release his grip on me. I instantly turn, running up to the entrance.

“June what are you doing..?” I see Amethyst attempt to start up the van, fighting off Combatants.

Sorry, Amethyst. I follow what I witnessed her do just now, the requirements to enter this building.

I’m in.

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