Chapter 36-37

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Chapter 36

Day’s perspective

“Do stop pacing around, Day. You’re giving me a headache.” Amethyst says, walking past June’s ward, next to Nikolai.

“Shut up, Amethyst. Just get to the MSRD already,” Nikolai snaps and Amethyst sniffs in reply.

“Well, I wonder who the one who took care of you was.

I tune out. They can argue all they want, I force myself to think of the girl in the ward and her only. June lies there, doctors examining her. When we first arrived, I was sort of worked up, pounding on the glass doors as the doctors took her away. Just then, a doctor steps outside.

“How is she?” I ask, tearing through the crowd to get to him.

“She’s very unstable. If there is a second Alterer attack, she will die. If she doesn’t get the Alterer out, or get it to stop, she won’t survive a week.” He tells me. At that moment, everything seems distant. It’s like I’m underwater, a force pulling me down.

“Day?” The doctor asks, but it’s like a ripple. She won’t survive a week. I look at her inside the ward, unconscious, and my heart aches for the girl that needed help that day on the streets.

I realise it after I actually do it. I’m inside the ward, watching her chest rise and fall, her heart beats monitored on a system. She stirs a little but her eyes remain closed.

“Metias?” She says, barely a whisper. I grip her hand gently. I can’t lose you, not you too. ”Metias?” Her eyes flutter open and I catch very barely a little disappointment on her face.

“Oh, Day. What did the doctor say?” She asks me. I squeeze her hand tighter.

“You’re going to be fine, we’re all going to be fine.”

She studies my face. The problem is, June’s incredibly smart, and she can read features well. “You’re lying. How long do I have left?”

I hang my head low. “Less than a week.” Hearing it was one thing, saying it was another. I felt like a string is tugging at me, and if I don’t resist, I might fall, or something, or something.

However, she doesn’t seem shaken at all. “Day, get me Surgeon Franwell.”

“He’s in prison, why would you—“

“Day, I can still be saved.”

Chapter 37

June’s perspective

After I told Day the news, the color went right back into his face, the light back in his eyes. Now, I sit in a wheelchair, in a room with the Elector and Day. Surgeon Joseph Franwell and Nick Franwell come in, Nikolai and two other soldiers—Joo Kim and Ed Jayson.

“What do you want?” Asks Nick, eyes flickering between the Elector and me.

“That will not be how you address the Elector of the Republic,” Joo Kim says firmly.

“It’s fine. Mr Joseph Franwell, so glad to see you. We are here to seek your cooperation over a matter—“

“My execution?” Joseph cuts in, eyes filled with fear at the thought of impending death.

“Mr Franwell, we have no intention of sentencing you and your brother. We just require your cooperation over a matter,” The Elector says. “You see, June Iparis and Day Wing have been inserted with an Alterer each, am I right? And according to June, you are the one that put it in. When June Iparis talked with your brother, she found out you can remove the Alterers from her and Day Wing. May I request that you conduct this operation on them?”

“Does that mean I get no sentence?”

“You will not, if you agree to operate on them,” Replies the Elector.

“But brother, that will be betraying the Combatants.” He turns to Nick.

“Our loyalty is no longer with them, Jasper. There is no need to be afraid of them. Just do the operation.” Nick says. “And why am I here?”

“Because I like to offer you a position in our army, Los Angeles City Patrol 8.”

“Out of all patrols, mine?” Groans Nikolai as Nick glares at him.

“No need to worry that I steal your captain position, although I am considering.” Snaps Nick.

“Try me. And I can’t believe he has almost the same name—“

“Mr Chase, please leave your snarky comments for later. Mr Franwell, can you have the operation done the following morning?”

“What? But we have to prepare for war, and I have meetings. After the operation, you all will not allow me to fight too, am I right?” I shoot up, and the sudden movement causes my chest to be tight with pain.

“Nikolai can take over your position. And no, you will not be allowed to fight while recuperating.”

“WHAT?” Day and I say at the same time. “We want to fight.”

“Day and June, you can’t—“

“Elector, they can fight if they recover fast enough. And that means they’ll have to do the operation in an hour or so.” Says Joseph.

The Elector nods. “Day can be in June’s patrol, but she has no specific one, since she commands all of them.”

“May I be posted to Los Angeles City Patrol 8? I wish to fight in the patrol my brother was in. I want to seek vengeance in that patrol, since they took my brother’s things from me,” I say.

“Of course,” Nikolai tells us, although he looks a little reluctant.

“Do we have a deal, then?” Asks Anden as he outstretches his hand. Joseph shakes it.

“We do.”

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