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❝ who said a predator and a preycouldn't be the best of friends? ❞ 

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who said a predator and a prey
couldn't be the best of friends? ❞ 

-Chapter 62, The Sweetest Contempt, by yeonnieong



The usually peaceful, refreshing morning was destructed by cries of Raeyeon, pleading on her knees with her two hands clasped together desperately, her eyes begging for just one day, her mother with her infamous folded arms standing in front of her shameless figure.

"Just one day! Let me skip school." she cried. 

"You aren't even sick." Mrs. Ong backfired.

"Who's going to take care of Woojin?" she said, pointing towards the still asleep boy. "You have work, and an important meeting later on with some popular chefs around the world!"

"He can take care of himself, and leave any time." 

"You said you'd repay his kindness."

"Yeah I prepared my handmade, professional motherly cooking for him. What's better than that?" her mother boasted, flipping her hair as she was a famous, successful chef. "You go to school and plan for your future."

"Please please please please please please please."

Mrs. Ong widened her eyes scanning her daughter from head to toe. "Why are you so worried about him?" she chuckled, impressed. "Fine then. But if anything disgusting happens between you two, you're out of this house."

Raeyeon instantly threw a pillow towards her mother. "MOM."

"Take care of him well! I'm off." her mother cheered, waving her daughter goodbye.

"Take care mother." Raeyeon grumbled. "Aish what was she thinking..." she shivered.

The house was dead quiet right after her mother left, and Raeyeon was sitting still in the living room, supposedly taking care of the kid who's been asleep for 10 hours straight, still in the position he was in yesterday. 

Raeyeon's mind was filled with the logic-twisting scene yesterday night, replaying over and over non-stop, confused on whether she should feel terrified or intrigued by her friend's secret identity. Used of reading and watching vampire fictions, half of her was excited. But knowing a vampire's type of food, half of her was nervous.

Indeed, Woojin did not hurt her a single scar that night, rather protecting her from the lustful humans. His eyes shone crystal red, but he did not devour her blood like what they do in the movies. He had his fangs out, but it shrank right after he saw the sight of her safe.

"But why didn't I feel safe?" she silently muttered.



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