{Chapter 2}

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I start walking to Euns house again

I start cleaning , then I see a lot of toys

Woah isn't he 17? He has a lot of toys

"Why are you looking at my toys?"-Eun

I jump that scared me

"I was cleaning"-Y/n

He looks at me suspiciously

"Well come on"-Eun

"Where are we going?"-Y/n 

"To the village"-Eun

I nod Eun tells someone where we are going

"Okay you can go, Soojin take care of him , don't lose or make him get hurt , here is some money if he wants to buy something"

"Yes ,Thank you"-Y/n

We start walking

"Okay where do you want to go?"-Y/n

"Can stop treating me like a baby?"-Eun

"I will if you stop acting like one"-Y/n

"You should be respecting a prince you wench"-Eun

"*Gasps* I am not a wench you are an Idiot"-Y/n


"You don't know what it means?"-Y/n


"It means a foolish or stupid person and you are one"- Y/n

He gasps

"And you are a wench!"-Eun

Then he runs away

Yeah thats what you get little shit-wait where did he go?

"Eun?" -Y/n

I start looking around and I can't find him

10 minutes later

Oh god why did I say that , know I'm going to get a punishment

I stop for awhile then I hear screaming

I go to where I hear the screaming and see Eun on the floor with a huge cut on his leg

"Prince Eun !"-Y/n

I run to him

"How did you get that?"-Y/n

"I-I was running then I tripped"-Eun

He was crying and whining

"Come on we have to get you to the palace "-Y/n

He nods he was pretty hurt I guess but he still acts like baby .

We finally get to the palace and for my luck Lady Oh was there and saw Eun

"Prince Eun! We have to get you a doctor"-Lady Oh

She says we take him to a room and got a doctor he had a huge cut on his leg he has to get stitches for sure .

"Soojin you are getting a punishment, prince Eun would you want to see for revenge"-Lady Oh

Oh come on thats so unfair

He nods

"We will wait till your done okay"-Lady Oh


Spoiled little brat

They where finally done with his wound

"Come on"-Lady Oh

Me and Eun follow behind ,we get to the Maids room Lady Oh gets a whip

"Get on your knees"-Lady Oh

I get on my knees Eun was watching how can he be so cruel

"Put your hands out"-Lady Oh

I put my hands out , I was shaking I was pretty scared

Then I see her pulling her hand back and then she hit my hand , it was hard

She hit me 3 times I had tears of course and my hands were bleeding  once she was done she left and it was only me and Eun left

I close my hands and get up

I look around for some bandages amd finally found some I put some around my wrists . I wipe my tears

Eun was still there

"Thats what you get for not respecting me, remeber you are just a maid and is nothing close to where I am"-Eun

And he leaves


Author's note:

Wow Eun is pretty harsh on her....its ok they will get along sooner or later don't worry!!

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