{Chapter 33}

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I drop my wood .

"Oh you guys want to play like that then lets play like that"-Y/n

I say as  I go into the river and start splashing them with water they start splashing me with water so I go to Suho and push him into the water . I turn to Ban Ryu and push him to . But as soon as I was done Suho pushed me into Ban Ryu . Me and Ban Ryu get up awkwardly .

"Yah lets get him"-Y/n

I say he nods and we start splashing water at Suho . I push both of them into the river and I get on the rock .


I say sticking my tongue out and putting the L sigh on my head . I walk to another rock and dry myself . Soon Ban Ryu and Suho come along . They were drying ther shoes and stuff . Ban Ryu takes this bag with flowers on it Suho sees so Ban Ryu quickly puts it away .

"Now that I think of it . That looks very familiar"-Suho

Ban Ryu looked at Suho

"What are you talking about?"-Ban Ryu

"Does Soo Yeon like you?"-Suho

Ban Ryu looks away and coughs awkwardly.

"It will not will happen...and if does , do not accept her"-Suho

Ban Ryu was looking at him .

"I just got a little closer to you , I don't want it to be awkward again"-Suho

Suho stretches and lays down .

"This feels nice"-Suho

I look at him .

"Lets see"-Y/n

And lay back down

"It does feel nice"-Y/n

"Told you"-Suho

As soon as we get dried we walk back to were the others are .

Skip time to the Crown Prince part cause I'm lazy

So basically what happened is that Ah ro got taken away from the Crown Prince , and we got caught on trying to get her back . (By the way she is using thay red thing)

"When fifteen minutes pass , I will behead them"-Crown Prince

He said referring to these 4 people . Once he said that the other people start getting scared .

"So before then , Silla's King should affirm his own Kinghood "-Crown Prince

Me , Suho , Ban Ryu , Sunwoo , and Ji Dwi were in a line . They were all waiting for one of us to say who was the king . The Crown Prince looks at this guard or something and looks at another person they then beheaded the 4 men that were in front of us.
Blood splattered everywhere. The other people where crying and screaming for them.

"What a pity , fifteen minutes hasn't passed yet"-Crown Prince

The Crown Prince looks at the other dude.

"Was it a bit to soon?"-Crown Prince

They soon grab Ah ro and 3 other woman . Ah ro was about to cry .

"Now you wasted half of fifteen minutes"-Crown Prince

Ji Dwi and Sunwoo where going to talk but I interrupted them . I felt bad so I had to help .

"I am...the king"-Y/n

I say looking down , all of them looked confused when I said that . I walked up infront of the Crown Prince . I look at him

"I am... The king of Silla!!!"-Y/n

The Crown Prince stands up .

"You look like one"-Crown Prince

He tells me to come with him I follow behind . There was a table and I sit down on a chair so does he . He then tried to take my red thing off but I grab his hand .


He nods .

"What's your name?"-Crown Prince

Quick think of a name


I couldn't think of any boy name but Got7 came up so I said that. 

"Well YoungJae  let's play a little luck game"-Crown Prince


He gets these dices shakes it and lets go . He got 6 . I get the dices I don't skake it I just and drop it . I don't see the number tho . (Little did she know she got 14)

"Okay... If I win you guys will let go of the people"-Y/n

He nods we start to head out but that guard dude cuts my arm . I use something to put around and walk  out to them . I see my Hwarangs they looked worried I get ready . We start sword fighting , and he cuts my leg . I fall to the ground and use my sword to support me .

"You know I use to go to wars when I was young , So if fifteen minutes passed you would've been dead"-Crown Prince

"I've killed more people than you think"-Y/n

I say getting up and hit his rib cage , he holds his rib cage . We start sword fighting again , and the Crown Prince hits my hand again and it starts bleeding . I get mad and start sword fighting , his sword goes straight to mt cheek and my red thing falls of and blood starts dripping . I hear my Hwarangs gasp , good thing he didn't seem tk notice I was a girl .

"Your just having fun"-Y/n

"Hmm maybe I am , should we end it?"-Y/n

I then start sword fighting him again and make his sword fall down .

"Lets change the rules"-Y/n

I say as I drop my sword . I get ready so does the Crown Prince . We start punching well I do because I am fast he keept on missing . I then kick him but do a back flip I land on my knees and he was still at the floor I quickly get my sword and point it at his neck he was standing still .

"I think we should end it now ."-Y/n

I still had my sword aimed for his neck .

"Now about the bet... Let them go"-Y/n

"Do what YoungJae King of Silla said"-Crown Prince

Sook Myung and the Hwarangs look at me surprised . Soon the people and Ah ro were set off and I let go of my sword and walk to the Hwarangs.

"Yah! Why would you do that?!"-Ban Ryu

I shrug . Ji Dwi comes and hugs me and pets my head .

"Thanks sister"-Ji Dwi

He whispered at me .

"I also didn't want to see my Hwarangs get hurt anyways"-Y/n

We then get on our horses and take the people with us

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