{Chapter 11}

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"Soojin-ah!!!wake up you said we were getting bunnies!!"-Eun

I wake up slowly

"Wait?!? Why wad I on the floor??"-Y/n

"You dummy you fell asleep out here"-Eun

"And when did I say we were catching bunnies?"-Y/n


I mentally face palm myself .

"*Sighs*wait for me outside I guess"-Y/n

He nods and waits outside

I get out to see him waiting

"Yah!Eun lets go"-Y/n

He nods. He quickly runs out of the palace to the woods I was just taking my time again because I'm lazy .

"Hurry up soojin!!!"-Eun

I then jog over there .

"I found one come on!!! Come on!!"-Eun

"Shhh your going to scare them away"-Y/n

He stays quiet , I slowly walk to the two bunnies , and call for them . Surprisingly both of them came to me .

"Easier than I thought"-Y/n

I mumbled I grabbed both of them .

"Awe there so cute!!!"-Eun

We sat on the field .

"Which one do you want?"-Y/n

"Um....that one!"-Eun

He said pointing to the light brown one with white spots  it was also very fluffy . I give it too him we start playing with the bunnies  . I was going to let my go but then he talked.

"What is yours named? Mines fluffy"-Eun

He said happily

"Ohh... I'm not keeping mine "-Y/n

"What?!? You catched it for no reason?!"-Eun

"Well... Bunnies have feelings too you know"Y/n

"Yeah , yeah enough about feelings can I still keep mine???!?"-Eun

"Yeah if you want"-Y/n

I look around its getting late .

"Eun its getting late lets go back"-Y/n

He nods and takes his bunny happily .

Once we got to the palace I stop Eun

"Wait can you have bunnies in the palace"-Y/n

"I don't think so , but can I still keep him? Please?!-Eun

"I guess as long as you hide it and take care of it . "-Y/n

He then smiles happily he hides his bunny .


Then Jung comes Eun takes his bunny out .

"Look what Soojin-ah got me!"-Eun

"Woah it looks cool"-Jung

"I know! I named it Fluffy"-Eun

Euns started bragging, so Jung left Eun put his bunny down .

"No don't put it downnn..."-Y/n

And the bunny started running .

"Noooo!!! Fluffy come back!-Eun

"Come on lets catch before someone catchs it and kills it "-Y/n

"No I don't want it to die"-Eun

He then started running to look for it . So did I .

It ran close to Wooks house so it can be there . I was running I had to lift up my hanbok . As I was looking for the bunny in Wooks house I bump into Wook .

"Soojin? What are you doing here?"-Wook

I look to the side to see Eun's bunny

"Oh uhhh.... I-I was looking for Hae soo  , do you know where she is?"-Y/n

"Hmm I'm not sure"-Wook

"Uh well I'll keep looking goodbye prince wook"-Y/n

I say bowing . He then leaves so I quickly run the where the bunny was .
I grab it and quickly hide it in my hanbok , it was pretty same so it wasn't noticeable. 

I started looking for Eun .

"Fluffy please come back "-Eun

Take Euns hand abd take him to his room .

"I found it"-Y/n


I then give him his bunny

"Fluffy I thought I was going to lose you!!"-Eun

He then started kissing it . I laughed

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