{Chapter 8}

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Today is the day I'm meeting my mom !!! I haven't meet her because Im not from this place obviously .

"So where is my moms house?"-Y/n

I asked Chae Ryung she explained to me . I was confused she sighed .

She was about to say something but Eun interrupted her .

"I can take you!!"-Eun

"You know where my moms house is?"-Y/n

He nods

We start walking out (the guards know)

We were heading somewhere in the woods

"Are you sure you know where to go?"-Y/n


We were still walking and talking about random things again .

And we finally see a house .

"See I told you I know my way"-Eun

"Well I thought you forgot or something"-Y/n

We knock on the door , and a lady opens the door

"*Gasps* you actually came"-Mom

She hugs me

"Soojin-ah you habe gotten older"-mom

I nod  . We go inside she gives us tea we talk .

"So are you having a birthday party tomorrow?"-Mom

"Tomorrow's my birthday?"-Y/n


"Well now that you say that then yeah I'll have a birthday party"-Y/n

Skip time to when there walking back to the palace

It was dark outside . By the time we were in the woods it was really dark .

"Have you heard about the headless hores man?"-Y/n


"I don't really know about him but , people say that if your at the woods at night you will sometimes see the headless horse man , and they say if you see him you should run because he'll cut your head off"-Y/n

"H-how do you know all of these theory's?"-Eun

He sounded scared . I heard something moving on the bushes .


He stops talking . We start hearing something moving again and it was getting closer to us . Me and Eun were basically hugging each other . Something came out and I couldn't really see who or what it was .


Me and Eun start running to the palace as fast as we can . I look back to still see something chasing us.

Me and Eun make it to the palace and we were inside his room . We were still catching our breaths from running .

"Did you see that?"-Y/n

He nods

"What was it?"-Y/n

"What if it was the headless horse man?!"-Eun


"What about bloody mary?!"-Eun

I shake my head no .  I stand up .

"Welp good night Eun"-Y/n

I said waving .

"Good night Soojin"-Eun

I'm surprised he didn't tell me to wait till he sleeps . I started walking to my room . Once I was close to my room I asleep .

Next day aka her birthday

"Soojin-ah wake up!!!!"-Eun

"Its your birthday!!!"-Eun

"Come on soojin-ah!!! "-Eun

I groan and finally wake up .

"Finally *sighs*-Eun

"Yah! Why did you wake me up , I had a very good dream you know"-Y/n

"That's how it feels ."-Eun

I rolled my eyes

"Now get out I'm going to change"-Y/n

He nods and leaves

I get changed , and get out of my room only to be scared by Eun

"That startled me!!"-Y/n

And hit him .

"Ow "-Eun

I laugh


"Yah! I heard that you wench!"-Eun

"Yeah whatever"-Y/n

Skip time to her birthday party

Finally my birthday party !!!
There wad many people like all the maids , some of the princes like Eun, Baek ah, Wook , and Jung .
It was fun they singed the happy birthday song for me , we ate good food and good cake . And finally the presents!!

"Yes finally"-Y/n

They laugh , I quickly choose one .

"Thats mine!!"-Hae soo

I laugh and quickly open it to see very beautiful earnings.

"Woah this are nice!"-Y/n

I choose another one .
From Chae Ryung. I open it and it was a pink and blue bracelet.
I smile .

"Thanks Chae Ryung!!"-Y/n

I choose another one
From mom

I smile and open it to see a very cool necklace.

"Thanks mom"-Y/n

My mom smiles

It goes on until there is one more left .

From Eun .
I open it to see the hair pin I wanted when we sneaked out .

"Woah, You got it?!"-Y/n

He nods and smiled from my reaction .

The day went on and my mom got to stay with me at the palace until tomorrow .

"Soojin-ah , I saw the way you look and Eun hang out are you guys in a relationship?"-Mom

"What?!? Noo!! We aren't even best friends"-Y/n

My mom just smiles

"I was just playing my sweetie"-Mom

I smile she hugs me and kisses my forehead . She puts me asleep .

I was sleeping peaceful until I hear someone crying in pain

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