{Chapter 3}

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(okay when you see "***" it means to start the music)

"come on ladies  wake up and do your chores"-Lady Oh

I slowly get up , and my hand was in pain .

The bandages had a lot of blood .

"Here this will help okay...put it every day "-Chae Ryung

She gave me an ointment

I got ready and made my way towards Euns house .

"Prince Eun wake up"-Y/n

He gets up from the 5th call

"Why do you always ruin my dreams?"-Eun

I shrug

"Your going to take a bath today so get ready while I get your bath ready"-Y/n

He nods , I leave and go to the princes bath area and get it ready Eun , finally come and he takes a bath I was for him outside of that place .

"Finally I get to sit down"-Y/n

I said sighing , I look at my hands and there was a huge wounds on them , I got the ointment out and put some one .

"Ow ow ow!!"-Y/n

It was burning

"I'm done!!"-Eun

I sigh again and get up

"How old are you again?"-Y/n


"You sure don't act like one"-Y/n

I mumbled , he glared at me

"Just come one and get dressed"-Y/n

He nods and goes to his room .

I was waiting once again , for him to get done .

"I'm done now come on lets go outside!!"-Eun

He said pumping his fist up , and ran to the doors

"Come on slow poke"-Eun

I sigh

I get to the door  , Eun started running around the field . While I sat down on the grass just thinking until someone was had to ruin it

"Come on! Soojin , lets play a game"-Eun


"Please ,please ,PlEase! PLEASE!!"-Eun

He was whining and it got annoying 

"Fine , Fine I'll play"-Y/n


"Okay what are we playing?"-Y/n

"Hide and seek!!"-Eun

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