{Chapter 29}

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Ji Dwi what is he doing here?

My thoughts get caught off .

"Okay as you guys may or not know you guys are siblings by blood"-Queen Jisoo

I was drinking my tea and I almost spit it out.  They look at me .

"Sorry the tea was so good it made me react like this"-Y/n

I say Queen Jisoo nods .

"Anyways I only wanted you guys to know you guys are siblings , and Soojin I'm only telling you this because I trust you . And that means you can't tell anyone Ji Dwi is your sibling . "-Queen Jisoo 

I nod  .

"Yes mother"-Y/n

She smiles

"Soojin-ah they told me yoi couldn't remember stuff when you were at Goryeo , why couldn't you remember stuff?"-Queen Jisoo

I stand up and put  Queen Jisoo's hand in my heart

"There is another girl living in this body"-Y/n

I say Queen Jisoo looked confused .

"I heard she got hurt and hit her head"-Ji Dwi

He basically saved me  from my weird answer . Queen Jisoo nods

"Ohh I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help you Soojin-ah"-Queen Jisoo

"Its okay mother"-Y/n

She hugs me .

"I think you guys should head back to the Hwarang house"-Queen Jisoo

We nod and say our goodbye .

Skip time to next day

I wake up from sleeping and remeber tomorrow is the day Princess Sook Myung is coming to the Hwarang house .

Skip time to noon

I was walking back to the room we sleep once I get in I stick the peace sign .

"Guess who's back!"-Y/n

I say they look at me weirdly

"What does this mean?"-Hansung

He  said sticking the peace sign up.

"Its called the peace sign , and it means cool"-Y/n

I say they laugh .

"Aren't you guys bored?"-Y/n

They all nod . I then have an idea .

"Lets go to the farm place?"-Y/n


I take a candle with me so we can see . We get to the farm area . We all sat in a circle .

"I'm going to tell you guys some scary stories"-Y/n

I tell them both of the stories I told Eun.  Once I was done I felt Hansung and Yeo Wool holding onto me . I look around to see Ban Ryu and Suho they looked scared but didn't want to show so did Ji Dwi and Sunwoo . I laugh . We hear something so then I stopped
Laughing  we all look at each other .

"What are you guys doing out here?"-Guard

"You know just living life"-Y/n

We had to go back to our room .

"Do you guys still want to hear more scary stories?"-Y/n

"No!-"Hansung and Yeo Wool

I laugh

"Okay "-Y/n

"Well lets go to sleep!"-Y/n

I say they all nod .

"Aniya!! Me and Yeo Wool can't!!"-Hansung

I sigh

"What do you guys want to sleep in my bed?"-Y/n

I was joking but they both nod and go to my bed . I was getting up my bed to See both of them getting comfortable .

"Aish Jinja"-Y/n

I move Hansung and Yeo Wool and I go in the middle of them .  I wake up and I feel people hugging me I look around me and I see Hansung and Yeo Wool hugging me asleep . My eyes go wide .

"This is not what I thought you guys were going to do..."-Y/n

I try my best to get off of them . Today is the day Princess Sook Myung is coming .

"Yah!! Wake up people's!!!"-Y/n

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"Yah!! Wake up people's!!!"-Y/n

I say they slowly get up. I take them to the lunch room and we go to our table .

"Yah Hansung and Yeo Wool my neck hurts because of y'all"-Y/n

I say as I touch my neck .

"It's not our fault you scared us"-Yeo Wool

I nod . And start eating.

"Well today is another free day because we are having a visitor"-Y/n

They all nod , and go back to eating . I get up 

"Well I'll see you guys later I think I have to go "-Y/n

"Bye Soojin-ah "-Hansung

He says waving and smiling I wave and smile back.  I walk to the front of the Hwarang house to see Princess Sook Myung.

"Sorry I'm late Princess Sook Myung I had some stuff to do"-Y/n

I say bowing . She nods .

"So what's the reason you were coming again?"-Y/n

"I came to see how the Hwarang is doing and how good they are"-Sook Myung

I nod

"Well I personally think they good"-Y/n

"Lets see"-Sook Myung

She says walking away .

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