{Chapter 30}

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I was left behind , I walk to her .

"So what do you mean are you going to sword fight my Hwarangs?"-Y/n

"Yes so please get your Hwarangs"-Sook Myung

I nod , she was following me. I get my Hwarangs I get them in line .

"Okay Hwarangs you might know Princess Sook Myung.  She is another Princess of Silla . Anyways she is here to see your strength , so that means she will be sword fighting you. Also don't be scared"-Y/n

They all nod . I turn to Sook Myung.

"Choose who you want to fight first"-Y/n

"I choose this one"-Sook Myung

"Sunwoo? Okay Sunwoo get ready"-Y/n

They started sword fighting Sunwoo won . They all did good but now it was Hansungs turn . He looked scared I go to him .

"I will make sure you do good okay . If you need help or something call me . Fighting!"-Y/n

I say Hansung smiles and nods . I get out of the way and let them start . Hansung was doing good but he started losing I had my sword ready . Soon Hansung was in the floor and Sook Myung was going to do her last step of beating him . I quickly run infront of Hansung and all you can hear is mine and Sook Myung's sword clashing together .

"Since you did this I think me and you should sword fight now"-Sook Myung

"Uh are you sure?"-Y/n

I say she nods . I turn to see Hansung still on the floor I help him up . I smile at him .

"You did good Hansung"-Y/n

"Thank you Soojin!!"-Hansung

I nod . I turn back to Sook Myung .

"Well I guess we can finish this sword fight"-Y/n

She nods . I get my sword ready . She soon starts the sword , she was winning me .


The Hwarang boys were cheering for me . Sook Myung was going to do her last move but I cover it and I won .

My Hwarangs were cheering .

"So are my Hwarangs good?"-Y/n

"There good enough"-Sook Myung

It was dark outside so that means we took a long . Me and the Hwarangs walk about to our room.

"Princess Sook Myung isn't nothing like Princess Soojin"-Suho

"Of course"-Ban Ryu

"Princess Soojin is all smiling and fun and Princess Sook Myung is all cold"-Yeo Wool

"Do we have to go to sleep now?"-Sunwoo

"I mean You don't have to but what are you going to do?"-Y/n

"We can talk"-Sunwoo

"You guys can do that I'm going to sleep known as heaven"-Y/n

They laugh . I go to my bed and sleep meanwhile they were still talking .

"How can Soojin be so pretty"-Suho

"We don't know she just is"-Ban Ryu

"I wonder if she would ever marry one of us "-Suho

Ji Dwi laughs .

"She's a Princess"-Yeo Wool

"But she sure doesn't act like one"-Ban Ryu

"I wonder who thag Eun person is . How could he get married when she clearly loved him"-Suho

"Soojin said he had to get married suho"-Yeo Wool

"Royal family have weird rules"-Sunwoo

They were still talking but I feel asleep .

Next day

Today we are going to ride horses and use bow and arrows , well thats what Sook Myung said .

Skip time to the lesson

"Okay Hwarangs today I am going to teach you how to ride a horse while doing bow and Arrows"-Sook Myung

"Awe I want Soojin to teach us...."-Hansung

He said pouting . All the Hwarangs nod .

"Can you even do this?"-Sook Myung

I shrug

"Well lets do a bet . If I win I teach them if you win you teach them"-Sook Myung

I smile .


I get my bow and arrows and I get on the horse .

"So what do we do?"-Y/n

"You have to try to aim for the targets while moving around in your horse"-Sook Myung

I nod .

"You go first"-Sook Myung

I nod .


Me and Eun where riding horses well Eun teached me .

Flashback 2

I start laughing prince Yo and prince Wook look at me I get up .

"How can you not get that?"-Y/n

"You try"-Wook

I nod he gives me his bow and arrow .  I get it and aim I made in right in the middle .

End of Flashback's

I go back to present time . I start riding my horse and I aim for the thing were your supposed to shoot . I missed and 
I sigh . It was Sook Myung turn she made it in but not in the middle .

Its okay Y/n there are 5 more left

I have my bow and arrow ready . And I aim .

"You got this"-Y/n

I shoot the arrow and made it in the middle . My eyes go wide .

"No way I just did that"-Y/n

I hear the Hwarangs cheering.  It was Sook Myung turn she missed . It was now the last thing to shoot . I took my time and I made it in . Now its Sook Myung turn she does it and she misses . My eyes go wide .

"Yay Soojin will teach us!!!"-Hansung

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