{Chapter 28}

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It was noon . It was about to be the Big Festival. Young Mi and Somi get me dressed .

As they were doing my hair theu were pulling it my head was going back.

"Ow ow ow!!!"-Y/n

"You need to stay still"-Somi

She said putting my head back into place .My hair was done like Hae soo

Young Mi and Somi walk me to Queen Jisoo . Once Queen Jisoo See's me sje looked surprised .

"My daughter you look very beautiful"-Queen Jisoo

I bow

"Thank you mother"-Y/n

"They are probably waiting for us so lets get going"-Queen Jisoo

I get on a horse and other guards carry her I was riding my horse behind her because she is the Queen Jisoo . Once we get there I get off mt horse and follow Queen Jisoo , she sits in her chair I sit on my chair next to her . I see this other girl she also looked like a princess . The show was about to start .

"I teached them this"-Y/n

I say to Queen Jisoo . She smiles .

"You teached them good"-Queen Jisoo

I smile . The show ended I quickly got up and clapped they were looking at me . I stick the thumbs up to them . They smile . I see girls fan girling and stuff .

"I teached them good"-Y/n

I say to myself .

"Soojin-ah this is your sister Princess Sook Myung , Sook Myung this is your sister Princess Soojin"-Queen Jisoo

I bow she did the same .

"So you are the lost princess of Silla?"-Sook Myung

I nod

"She also made this show"-Queen Jisoo

Once we were done Queen Jisoo then gets everyones attention.

"If you don't know we finally found our lost princess of Silla . She is now part of this royal family , and she is new to this . Her name is Princess Soojin"-Queen Jisoo

She holds my hand and makes me go next to her . Everyone bows it was awesome because I've never experienced this . Queen Jisoo smiles . We talk for a little bit and Queen Jisoo tells me Sool Myung will be coming to the Hwarang house soon . As soon as I leave I see my Hwarangs I run to them.

"You guys did awesome!!"-Y/n

I say .

"Now lets have fun!!"-Y/n

We all decided to go to the Warehouse . Once girls see Ban Ryu and Suho they freak out.

"Omg guys its Ban Ryu and Suho!!!"-Girl

Girls scream . I see Hansung and Yeo Wool together I go to them and talk to them .

"You guys did good !!"-Y/n

They say thank you at the same time they look at each other and laugh I start laughing along .

"Suho and Ban Ryu are going to sword fight!!"-Girl

I look over there I look around for a sword and take it . I go in the middle I can feel and hear girls talking about me and looking at me . Suho was going to hit Ban Ryu . But because of my fast reflects I put my sword into his .


"What? Did I embarrass you?"-Y/n

He says no quickly . I help Ban Ryu up .

"Since you guys are going to sword fight I will join"-Y/n

"What you can't"-Both

"Why are you guys scared?"-Y/n

I say smiling . I was about to say something but a girl talks .

"Yah! Who is that girl and why is she with Ban Ryu and Suho?!"-Girl

Other girls start to join in . Me Ban Ryu and Suho look at rhe girl who started it .

"Excuse me?"-Y/n

You know people need to know how to control there mouth they have no idea who they are talking to who .

"I said who are you to be close to Ban Ryu and Suho like that"-Girl

That girl had a group of girls . I start laughing .

"Well if you did not hear I am the lost princess of Silla . And I am there Hwarang instructor"-Y/n

The girls smirk leaves .

"So ? Just because you are the lost princess of Silla and there Hwarang instructor doesn't give you the right to-"-girl

The girl gets cut off my Suho .

"Princess Soojin have I told you how beautiful you look today?"-Suho

He says his face was so close to yours . Girls gasp . I quickly make his face not so near mine .

"Yah suho what are you doing?"-Y/n

I whispered to him .

"I'm trying to help you"-Suho

Whispered back . I nod . And look back at them until my name was being called again .


I turn to see Hansung waving at me and telling me to go to him I walk to to him . But as I was walking a girl tried tripping me but Ban Ryu catched me .

Oh god what is happening?

Me and Ban Ryu look at each other my eyes wide his was too .


I then get out of his hands and walk to Hansung embarrassed. I sigh .

"These girls don't know when to stop do they?"-Y/n


"Anyways I called you because Queen Jisoo needs you at the palace now!!"-Hansung

I nod

"Thanks Hansung"-Y/n

I say as I make my way out and to the palace . I walk in to see Queen Jisoo . I bow .

"You needed me?"-Y/n

"Yes Soojin we are having oir family meeting"-Queen Jisoo

I nod I sit down in the table next to her . There was already some tea ready . I was awkwardly waiting for her to say something then I hear someone come in I look to see Ji Dwi?

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