{Chapter 24}

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"do you think she will ever wake up?"

"*Gasps* what if she's dead?!? Who will be able to teach us?!?"

"No I don't think she's dead"

"She's a heavy sleeper for a pretty girl"

"How is she not awake yet"

I hear people talking . I slowly open my eyes to see Hansung , Ban Ryu , Yeol Wool , Suho , Sunwoo , and Ji Dwi . I screamed it wasn't a high pitched scream tho .

"Finally you wake up"-Ji Dwi

I roll my eyes .

"I was trying to have my beauty sleep"-Y/n

I say . They all get off my bed but Hansung .

"You don't need beauty sleep"Hansung

I laugh

"Go tell the others to get ready and tell them I'll go with them when I'm done"-Y/n

He nods and gets off my bed. I get off and change into this .

I start walking to the lunch area to see my group I take my lunch and go to them

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I start walking to the lunch area to see my group I take my lunch and go to them . I sit next to Ban Ryu this time .

"Woah , you still look beautiful using different kinds of hanboks"-Suho

I smile and thank him .

"What are we doing today Soojin?"-Hansung

"Well...today you guys are sword fighting a guard"-Y/n

He pouts .

"Do we have to?"-Hansung

"I'll make him go easy on you"-Y/n

He nods and goes back to eating . As soon as we finish I take all the Hwarangs to the place where they are going to be sword fighting .

"Okay remember I'm only doing this to see your strength"-Y/n

They all nod .

"Who wants to go first?"-Y/n

Sunwoo comes out , I nod he starts sword fighting with the guard . They all ended up losing .

"Its okay , I won't let my Hwarangs lose like that , so I will fight him "-Y/n

They all cheer . I start sword fighting with the guard , I was doing all of my tricks . I could hear them cheering for me . That reminded me of when Eun was cheering for me when I was wrestling wirh Jung and Soon Deok . I ended uo winning . We where all cheering and stuff until someone interrupts us .

"Princess Soojin there is a letter sent from Goryeo"-Guard

I quickly go to the guard and take the letter .

"Thank you"-Y/n

I say the guard soon leaves .

"From who is that soojin?"-Hansung

"Its from my friend"-Y/n

They all nod .

"Well I think we are done for the day"-Y/n

I Say as I leave , I walk to a tree and sit down . I open the letter .

Dear Soojin

Hi Soojin!! I really miss you .
Its been boring without you, I have no one to play with but Jung . Hopefully you can come back . Fluffy really misses you too , she is doing good if you ask. Me and Soon Deok get along but I still don't like her I like you . The slingshot you gave me is very fun to use I accidentally hit Jung last time, but sadly you weren't there so you can see, and I also have no one to play with it. Hopefully you feel the same way , Hae soo also told me to tell you she misses you a lot and I mean a lot . Are you doing good in Silla? And what are you doing at Silla . I wonder if you have any new friends . Remember I will be waiting for you to come back!! Love you!

I was crying as soon as I stopped reading the letter .

"Ahh... I still miss you Eun"-Y/n

"Are you crying"-Ban Ryu

I was startled . I quickly wipe my tears .

"What?!? No! Something just got on my eye"-Y/n

I say . He then bents down next to me .

"What did your friend say?"-Ban Ryu

"He was updating me about what's happening... I really miss it over there ...*sighs*"-Y/n

He stays quiet for a moment

"I can tell ... Anyways Hansung needs you"-Ban Ryu

I nod I get up and grab the letter . I start walking trying to find Hansung . I finally found him he was trying to hold a sword . I call him.

"Hansung-ah did you need me?"-Y/n

He nods

"Can you help me sword fight?"-Hansung

I nod . We where done .

"Can you teach me some more when you have time?"-Hansung

"Yeah , you know Hansung you remind me of my friend from Goryeo"-Y/n

I say .

"Do you want to help me write a letter back to him?"-Y/n


Me and Hansung go to this room . I get paper and ink . I start writing my letter to him Hansung was asking me questions about him .

"What is his name?"-Hansung

"Prince Eun , but I usually call him Eun"-Y/n

"How was he like?"-Hansung

"He was like you . He liked to play around and always liked to have fun. "-Y/n

He nods . I was done with my letter .

Dear Eun

I really miss you a lot too Eun! Hopefully I can go back to Goryeo.  And yes I do have friends here.  I am a instructor for Hwarangs , they are all very nice . If I ever go to back to Goryeo I can play with you again like we use to do!!! And yes I still like you . And good to hear you and Soon Deok get along. Tell Hae soo I really miss her too! Also glad to hear Fluffy is doing good . I'm sure if I saw you hit Jung with the slingshot I would of start laughing . I don't really have time to play anymore because I am kinda busy now ... But its okay . I love you Eun!!! ♡ 😘

I drew an emoji . I let Hansung read it he was smiling .

"Its good!!"-Hansung

I nod . Soon I told a guard to sent it to him .

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