{Chapter 35}

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We turn to see Sunwoo with Hansung . Sunwoo walks in the middle and outs Hansung down , all of us run to him . Me and Yeo Wool , sit in our knees .

"W-what happened to him?"-Y/n

"Why isn't he moving?"-Yeo Wool

His eyes were getting teary so were mine. I shake my head no .

"No , it can't be..."-Y/n

Tears start to roll down my cheek . I look at his hands they had blood .


I say shaking him , he wasn't moving . Yeo Wool was crying to . I put my hands on my face

"W-who killed him?"-Y/n

"He sacrifices his life..."-Sunwoo

I start crying me and Yeo Wool were very upset I hugged Yeo Wool .  I take him outside. 

"Yah...we shouldn't be crying it bad for us..."-Y/n

"T-then what do we do?"-Yeo Wool

"We can... Drink?"-Y/n

"What no"-Yeo Wool

"It helps...well that's what I do when I'm sad..."-Y/n

"Fine"-Yeo Wool

Yeo Wool goes to this place in the Hwarang house and gets some Soju  .

"Lets go outside"-Y/n

I say he nods . Once we go outside we sit down he gives me my bottle of Soju.  I start drinking my Soju . I look at Yeo Wool he was drinking his slow .

"Yah!! I miss HANSUNG!!!"-Y/n

I say as my eyes get teary .

"Me too"-Yeo Wool

He then starts drinking his Soju . I also start drinking mine .

"In years its not going to be like this!!"-Y/n

"Shhh , don't say that"-Yeo Wool

He said putting his hand in my mouth , I move his hand out of my mouth .


"Because we are at the Hwarang house"-Yeo Wool


"*Sighs* I want Hansung back...!!"-Yeo Wool

"Me too!!!"-Y/n

Me and Yeo Wool start crying again we then hug each other. I then smell him .

"You smell good!"-Y/n

"Thanks!!"-Yeo Wool

We let go I look at him .

"*Sighs* it's no fun..."-Y/n

He nods

"Hey! Do you have any secret talent?!?!!"-Y/n

He shakes his head to no

"Can you do this?!?"-Y/n

I say making my eyes meet in the middle he starts laughing .

"Is it like this?!"-Yeo Wool

He does it I start laughing so does he .
I look around.

"We should go to our room!"-Y/n

"Yeah!"-Yeo Wool

Yeo Wool gets up I get up once I get uo I almost fell , but Yeo Wool catched me .

"Yah!! Be careful!!"-Yeo Wool

"I am but the floor is moving !!"-Y/n

We then help each other walk to our room people sees us . Once we go to our room the Hwarangs look at us confused .

"What happened to y'all?"-Sunwoo


Me and Yeo Wool sit on a bed .

"Yah!!!Guanlin never liked me!!!"-Y/n

"But Guanlin was so good looking!!!"-Y/n

I start talking about Guanlin they were all looking at me confused.

"I thought you liked me!!"-Yeo Wool

"I do like you!!"-Y/n

He then smiles . Soon me and Yeo Wool fall asleep .

Next day

I could feel someone hugging me and I could hear talking .

"They actually feel asleep like this"


"Because they got drunk couldn't you tell"


"I feel bad"

"I wouldn't expect them to get drunk"

"Especially Yeo Wool"

I then open my eyes to see Yeo Wool also opening his eyes me and Yeo Wools eyes go wide and we quickly let go of each other .

"Yah!!! Why are you guys looking at us???"-Y/n

"You see you guys slept in a weird position"-Ji Dwi

"Because we got drunk..."-Yeo Wool

I nod

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