{Chapter 7}

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Its been days since I got punished I got better with the help of Eun

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Its been days since I got punished I got better with the help of Eun .

It was a normal day me and Eun were outside trying to catch butterfly's 

"I got one!!"-Eun


I ran to him he still had it trapped into his hands . He lets it go and the butterfly was not moving

"I think you killed it"-Y/n .


"Poor thing"-Y/n

"Oh well"-Eun

He got up and I got up to

"Do you want to do pranks?"-Y/n


"Yeah when you do something funny to someone"-Y/n

"How do you do that?"-Eun

"Well I'll think of a simple prank"-Y/n

I was thinking

"I know!! All we need is a bucket of water and some flour"-Y/n

"Were do you guys have flour?"-Y/n

"Yeah in the kitchen"-Eun

"Lets go then"-Y/n

I grabbed Euns hand and went straight to the kitchen .

"Okay if anyone See's us lets just say we were looking for some tea?"-Y/n

He nods happily

We get into the kitchen and no one was in there

"Okay um Eun watch if there is anyone coming okay if there is make a sigh"-Y/n

He nods , I stick the tumbs up

"What does that mean?"-Eun


He nods and does it I smile

I start to look for the flour and I find it I was about to get it but then I hear Eun make this weird noise so I took it for a warning that someone was in here so I quickly hided.

The person was making some tea I'm guessing .

"She left"-Eun

I sigh

"Thank god"-Y/n

"Eun look for a bucket"-Y/n


"Found one!"-Eun

"Shhh not to loud or they might hear us"-Y/n

"Right I forgot"-Eun

I take the bucket and put the bag of flour in it . We started walking outside .

"Okay how are we doing this?"-Eun

"Well we first we need someone to prank who do you want to prank"-Y/n

He was thinking for awhile


"Okay , so basically we put water in the bucket and we call for Jung once we is about to come you pour the watee on him and I throw the flour on him"-Y/n

"Okay but what if something goes wrong?"-Eun

"Trust me nothing will go wrong "-Y/n

We get everything ready

"Jung-ah!!! Help me!!"-Eun

(They are next to a door)

I hear foot steps it was getting closer


Eun throws the water and I throw the flour and all we see is a flour covered Jung . Me and Eun start laughing .

He wipes some flour off his face. 


Me and Eun start running while Jung was chasing us . People around the palace were looking at us weird. I had to put my hanbok up because it was hard to run . I was fastee than Eun so Jung catched up to him . And was play  fighting him

"Soojin help me!!"-Eun

I run to them

And help Eun

"Oh I see you want to battle me? How bout we do a sword battle"-Jung


"What we can't do that"-Eun

"Play sword fight"-Jung

Jung hands me a sword   , we start sword fighting .

"Come on soojin you can do it!!!'-Eun

All you could hear Eun was cheering for me . I ended up winning

Me and Eun high fived each other

"I let you win"Jung

"Aer you sure Jung she beat you"-Eun

"How do you know how to sword fight anyways?"-Jung

"I learned martial arts"-Y/n

"Well see you guys"-Jung

Me and Eun were having fun soon the day ended

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