{Chapter 36}

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"why did you guys get drunk?"-Ban Ryu

"It helps, you know"-Y/n

Today I didn't feel like doing anything so I gave my Hwarangs a day off . I was Yeo Wool again we were at the lake but sitting down.

"*Sighs* its boring without Hansung"-Y/n

Yeo Wool nods .

"I miss Goryeo...awe... Hansung never got to meet Eun"-Y/n

Yeo Wool looks at me.

"What do you mean?"-Yeo Wool

"I promised Hansung he will get to meet my friend from Goryeo..."-Y/n

"Oh..."-Yeo Wool

He said sadly .

"I want to go back to Goryeo"-Y/n

"But if you go I'm going to be left alone "-Yeo Wool


"You can come with me?"-Y/n

He nods .

"I'm going to talk with Queen Jisoo "-Y/n

I say standing up . Yeo Wool also stands up .

"I'll tell you what she says"-Y/n

"Okay"-Yeo Wool

I start heading out but then I see Ji Dwi .

"Ji Dwi-ah!"-Y/n

He turns and see me .

"Yes?"-Ji Dwi

"I think I want to go back to Goryeo..."-Y/n

"Why? You just came back to your real hometown?"-Ji Dwi

"I don't know I just miss my friends over there... I want to visit and I might take Yeo Wool with me"-Y/n

"Okay I'm sure if you ask mom she will let you go"-Ji Dwi

I nod and start walking to the palace they let me in I then see Queen Jisoo . I walk to her .

"Mother... I have to tell you something"-Y/n

"What is it my daughter?"-Queen Jisoo

"I want to visit Goryeo again"-Y/n

"Why?"-Queen Jisoo

"Because... I miss my friends I really want to meet them"-Y/n

"Okay... I will inform the king that you will be visiting over there, but I don't want you to go by yourself"-Queen Jisoo

"I'm not . I'm taking my friend Yeo Wool"-Y/n

"Okay my daughter... Tomorrow morning you'll go... I will tell Young Mi and Somi to go with you just in case you need anything"-Queen Jisoo

"Thank you!!"-Y/n

I then hug her she hugs me back .

"Anything for my daughter"-Queen Jisoo

Next day aka them about to go to Goryeo

I say my goodbye to all the Hwarangs

"My sister please be safe... if anyone hurts you tell me and I will go to Goryeo and kill them"-Ji Dwi

"Okay. I'm sure no one will try to hurt me tho"-Y/n

"Well because your a Princess now they might . Like that Queen Yo "-Ji Dwi

"Right...I will inform you and mom if she tries to do anything . But I'm in good terms with her most loved son so I doubt she will do anything"-Y/n

He nods , he then hugs me . Me and Yeo Wool head out the Hwarang house to see Young Mi, Somi and 1 guard .We get on our horse's and start heading out of Silla .

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