{Chapter 22}

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Today is the day I'm moving to the Hwarang house I wake up they get me dressed .

Today is the day I'm moving to the Hwarang house I wake up they get me dressed

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I see Somi and Young Mi have most of my stuff .

"Let's go"-Y/n

They nod , I go outside the palace to see some horses and a guard . I also see Queen Jisoo . I bow

"Thank you Queen Jisoo for letting me stay over to the Hwarang house its easier for me "-Y/n

She smiles and nods .

"Soojin-ah you don't have to call me Queen Jisoo , you can call me mother"-Queen Jisoo

She still smiles . She signals me to come hug her I do .

"Thank you again Mother... Now excuse me ... I will be going now "-Y/n

She nods , she signals me to hug her . I hug her tight .

"Okay get her on her horse . Also Soojin visit when you can"-Queen Jisoo

I nod

"I will Mother . "-Y/n

The guard helps me on the horse .
We start leaving.

"Bye Mother bye Somi and Young Mi"-Y/n

I say waving and smiling . This reminded me of when I was leaving Goryeo but less happy . We get to the Hwarang house the guard helps me down and gets my stuff. We enter the Hwarang house. I see my Hwarangs at the door , I see Hansung he smiles widely I smile back .

"Princess Soojin let me help you"-Suho

I nod he takes me to the room where my group of Hwarangs sleep . He shows me my bed it us a bunk bed he puts my stuff down on my bed .

"Sadly Ban Ryu's bed is under you"-Suho

"Its okay"-Y/n

I say he nods .

"Well come on Soojin-ah we should be eating breakfast right now"-Suho

I nod


We start walking to the lunch room me and Suho grab our breakfast . Me and Suho start walking to our lunch table and I could see Hansung waving for me to go with him.

"Soojin I saved a spot for you"-Hansung

"Thank you Hansung"-Y/n

He nods . I sit next to him , infront of me was Ban Ryu

He really has a poker face

I smile .

"Yah Ban Ryu do you ever smile?"-Y/n

"Sometimes"-Ban Ryu

I look at him , then I grab his cheek and pinch it .

"You should smile more"-Y/n

I say . I then look at Hansung .

"I like your smile Hansung"-Y/n

"Thank you Soojin I like your smile to!!"-Hansung

I nod then I look at Ban Ryu.

"Do you like my smile?"-Y/n

I say as I smile but then I make my eyes meet in the middle , as I still smile .
I stop and look at him , he smiled .
I then smile and pump my fist up .


I say all of the Hwarangs were looking at me .


I say a little embarrassed .

Skip time to the lesson

My Hwarangs were in a line , I was in the middle .

"Okay so today you guys will be sword fighting each other"-Y/n

I say .

"Okay first is...Sunwoo and Ji Dwi "-Y/n

They both get out and start sword fighting once I say to start . Sunwoo ended up winning . I look at Ji Dwi .

"You were doing good but you should focus more"-Y/n

I say he nods .

"Okay Suho and Yeol Wool"-Y/n

Suho ended up winning .

"Yeol Wool you did good to but you need to be faster at it"-Y/n

"Ban Ryu and Hansung"-Y/n

"No!! Why Ban Ryu?!? Do you I have to do this?"-Hansung

"Its okay I'm sure you'll do good"-Y/n

He was still whining . I stick my fist .
I take Hansungs fist too


I say and put my fist in the air .


I nod . As he put his fist in the air . I tell them to start Hansung ended up losing but very quickly .

"Hansung...well you need to learn-"-Y/n

"How to not be scared of the sword"-Man

He looked like another instructor .

"Ah... I'm Dan Se Hansungs brother "-Dan se

He bows .

"I'm Soojin"-Y/n

I say he nods .

"I need to talk to my brother"-Dan Se

I nod

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