{Chapter 20}

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I was woken up by maids

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I was woken up by maids .
They also dressed me up which was kinda weird . I walk out of Euns house to the front of the palace to see everyone in the palace waiting for me . The maids take me in front of the King . I bow .

"It was nice having you here princess Soojin"-King

He said smiling I smile back and nod .

"Thank you your Highness"-Y/n

He nods he lets me say goodbye to my friends I first go to the maids . I see Chae Ryung and Hae soo I go to them and hug both of them .

"I'm going to miss both of you"-Y/n

I say .

"And we are going to miss you princess"-Both

I smile we let go and they bow.

"Silly girls , you don't have to be formal"-Y/n

I say laughing they laugh too

"Keep me updated and sent me letters okay?"-Y/n

They nod . I then move to Lady Oh .

"My little maid"-Lady Oh

She then hugged me , When my mom died she was here with me .

"I'm going to miss you"-Lady Oh

"I will to Lady Oh"-Y/n

She then bows . I walk to the princes say goodbye to all of them I wasn't on bad terms with any of them so they were all friendly to me . The last Prince I say goodbye to was Eun .

"I guess this is the end..."-Y/n

He nods . I take the slingshot I have I didn't end up giving it on his birthday I saved it . I gave it to him .

"Saved this scince your birthday"-Y/n

He takes it happily and hugs me

"Thank you Soojin"-Eun

I nod

"Come on princess Soojin"-Guard

I nod

"Goodbye Eun"-Y/n

"Bye Soojin"-Eun

We hug for the last time . I leave and get on my horse . Baek ah and a guard was waiting for me.

"Ready?"-Baek ah

I nod I turn to everyone and say my last goodbye before telling my horse to go .

Skip time almost at Silla

Baek ah was telling me a lot of things from there and told me a lot about my mom Queen Jisoo .

Skip time to Silla

We finally got to Silla there was guards and let us in once we got in all the people were bowing . I smiled it felt weird I wasn't use to this at all . We get to the palace and Queen Jisoo was waiting outside, once she saw us she smiled . I stop my horse and Baek ah helps me off the horse . Once I get to Queen Jisoo I bow .

"Thank you prince Baek ah for finally giving me back my little princess"-Queen Jisoo

He bows

"No problem Queen Jisoo"-Baek ah

Sooner or later Baek ah leaves and I was left alone with Queen Jisoo .

"Come on lets go inside and talk"-Queen Jisoo

I nod , we walk inside the palace with maids around us .

"Please make us some tea"-Queen Jisoo

"Yes your Highness"-Maid

Queen Jisoo looks at me and smiles.

"You are quite beautiful my daughter"-Queen Jisoo

"Thank you Queen Jisoo"-Y/n

They came with some tea , and served us some .

"So Soojin-ah tell me about yourself"-Queen Jisoo

"Well...I was a maid for Prince Eun...we were good friends , Umm I know martial arts "-Y/n

"Martial arts? You will definitely love visiting the Hwarang house "-Queen Jisoo

"Hwarang? You have Hwarangs?"-Y/n

She nods

"Thats incredible!"-Y/n

She laughs.

"Im glad my daughter knows martial arts , you'll definitely be a good instructor would you like to be one?"-Queen Jisoo

I nod quickly

"Tomorrow you will go to the Hwarang house right now its late its too dangerous for you"-Queen Jisoo

"Yes your Highness"-Y/n

"Your probably not use to living in a royal family , let me introduce you to your maids"-Queen Jisoo

She calls for 2 girls

"Okay Soojin these are your new maids introduce yourself"-Queen Jisoo

"Hello princess Soojin"-Both

"My name is Somi , and Im Young Mi "-both

They say bowing

"Nice to meet you Somi and Young Mi "-Y/n

"Ladies please show her around the palace and where she's going to stay"-Queen Jisoo

"Yes your Highness"-Both

They teach me around the palace and Soon they put me asleep

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