{Chapter 37}

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Once we get to to Goryeo we go to the Palace the Guards let us in  

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Once we get to to Goryeo we go to the Palace the Guards let us in   . I take a deep breath I look around to see Hae soo , she looks at me and quickly runs to me .

"Soojin-ah!!!"-Hae soo

She then hugs me .

"Soojin you've changed a lot"-Hae soo

I nod . She then looks at Yeo Wool .

"Who is that?"-Hae soo

"Oh he is my friend Yeo Wool , Yeo Wool "-Y/n

Hae soo bows .

"Nice to meet you Yeo Wool I'm Hae soo"-Hae soo

Yeo Wool smiles  .

"Princess Soojin we have to meet the king"-Somi

I nod and say bye to Hae soo . We walk to the kings place . Once I go in I bow .

"Princess Soojin, nice to meet you again"-King

"Yes your Highness"-Y/n

"You've changed haven't you "-King

"Well if it includes how I dress then yes"-Y/n

He laughs . We talk and then we walk out .

"Now we should see Eun's house thats were we will be sleeping"-Y/n

He nods and follows behind, I get to Eun's house , I'm surprised its empty I show Yeo Wool my room .

"This is my room"-Y/n

He nods .

"We should walk around I'll show you around"-Y/n

"Okay... I don't really know this place you know"-Yeo Wool

I nod he had a fan with him . I walk out  and I show Yeo Wool around then I see Jung .


He turns .

"Soojin? What are you doing here?"-Jung

"I came to visit"-Y/n

"You look different... Well I mean more fearless "-Jung

I nod . We talk and I soon leave with Yeo Wool. Btw I had my thing around my face because of my scar. 

"This is the garden"-Y/n

"Woah, it looks pretty"-Yeo Wool

I nod . I then hear talking it sounded familiar . I turn to see Eun and Soon Deok . Soon Deok See's me and looks at me for awhile , I turn around and still talk to Yeo Wool.  I then see Eun looking at me he runs to me .


I nod . He then hugs me  .

"Why are you using that?!"-Eun

He said as he was going to take it off but I stop him .

"No, don't take it off"-Y/n

He nods .

"You look different"-Eun

"Yeah , I've noticed everyone said that"-Y/n

Eun then looks at Yeo Wool.

"Who is that?"-Eun

"My friend Yeo Wool"-Y/n

He looked at him .

Skip time to noon

I was going to sleep now . I felt a bit strange .

Skio time to you waking up

I woke up to hear beeps I looked around to see that I was in a hospital .

"Soojin-ah you finally woke up!!"-Idk

"What? Where am I? "-Y/n

"Your at the hospital , you finally woke up from coma after 2 years"-idk

My eyes go wide .

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