{Chapter 4}

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It's been a couple weeks maybe like 2 , and I got use to living here , well basically in Euns house .

It was after noon I was bored and Eun wouldn't stop talking about his brand new toy he got so I changed the subject.

"Eun have you heard of bloody mary?"-Y/n

"No , who is that?"-Eun

"People don't really know nothing in these times , don't they"-Y/n

I mumbled

"Good , cause I'm going to tell you about her"-Y/n 

I stand up and close the doors , and get a candle or whatever

"Come on sit on the floor"-Y/n

He nods and sits on the floor

I put the candle in the middle , it was already midnight so it was pretty dark

So it was good because I want to scare him .

"Okay so there is this theory about a women."-Y/n

"Yes but why is her name bloody mary?"-Eun

"That's what I'm going to telk you about , well her name is bloody mary because people barried her alive and she tried to get out of box she was in but no one heard her , she tried scratching the box while she did her nails started bleeding eventually she died but her soul didn't rest in peace..."-Y/n

I tried sounding scary , I looked at him he was hugging his knees

"That's not even the scary part...it is also rumoured that if you turn off all your lights and say her name 3 times she will appear..."-Y/n

I looked at his side and he noticed so he turned , I took the chance to hide


"Soojin this isn't funny..."-Eun

"I'm scared"-Eun

I peeked through the little and saw I was facing his back , so I ran behind him and tazed him


He got scared and screamed it was a high pitched scream

I started laughing

"Soojin-ah that scared me!!"-Eun

Eun said in a whining tone , I was still laughing holding my stomach trying to catch my breath

"That wasn't funny..."-Eun

He was pouting and layed down on his bed

"It was to me... You should go to sleep its late"-Y/n

"Uhh do you think I'll fall asleep after that?"-Eun

I laughed

"Oh well good night"-Y/n

I was about to leave

"No soojin please stay until I fall asleep please!!-Eun

Here we go again


I sigh and sit on the chair next to his bed


He was smiling and he was getting comfortable

I waiting until he fell asleep but I ened up falling asleep


This is a short chapter but if you have any ideas feel free to message me

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