Chapter 18: Explain

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Its been 2 weeks since Yoongi and Hoseok have spoken with one another, and for both of them it was torture.

Yoongi was being to stubborn, Hoseok would try and speak to him but the older male wouldn't even spare him a glance.

Since they were no longer Synced, Yoongi couldn't tell what Hoseok was feeling. He didn't know if he was still getting beat or if he still had the same thoughts he ranted to Yoongi endlessly about. When Hoseok came to school with red hair, Yoongi officially knew that he had no connection with the boy any longer.

Hoseok once again put up his façade, going back to smiling constantly showing no pain whatsoever. His step-father still beat the shit out of him, just now he didn't have Yoongi to help him get through it. No where to go for comfort or the feeling of being safe. Dying his hair was a bold move, but he decided why not? His hair gave him an endless amount of compliments, and the looks Yoongi gave him didn't go unnoticed.

Hoseok wanted anything more then to talk to Yoongi, but he knew that Yoongi didn't want to talk to him. Even with being unsynced, Hoseok knew Yoongi was still hurt by his actions.

And that question lingered on Yoongi's mind constantly, why did Hoseok unsync them?

Back in his home Yoongi was greeted by a swift question from his mother,

"Did you talk to him?"

"No." Yoongi stated, throwing his bag.

"And why is that? Yoongi, honey, if you want answers to know why he wanted you both unsynced, you need to ask him." she told him.

"Its not that easy, mom I told him we were done."

"I don't care, talk to him, cause he most likely misses you." she reminded.

Yoongi scoffed, "Then why did he unsync us."

"Only he can answer that."

Yoongi groaned.

"That's it." Yoongis mother walked over to him, pushing him out the door. "YOUR NOT COMING IN TILL YOU GET YOUR ANSWER."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, but considered what his mother has been telling him to do for the past 2 weeks. Talk to Hoseok.


Hoseok moved his body quickly, not caring about the burning sensation creeping up in his legs. He ruffled his damp red hair, closing his eyes and repeating the moves.

"I thought id find you here." a voice said from behind him, the voice he's been longing to hear.


"Well you thought right," Hoseok chuckled, turning to face the boy.

A silence fell upon them, Yoongi gulped before finally breaking it.

"Why?" he questioned.

Hoseok knew exactly what he was asking him, he wanted the younger to explain his decision.

"I did it for you." Hoseok spoke.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows  about to contradict what he said, what did he mean for him?

"I know what your probably thinking, what do you mean for me, I did it so you wouldn't feel my pain."

Hoseok walked closer to the boy.

"I did it because I love you, it broke me to know that you felt all the pain I went through. It hurt me to know my Babyboy was hurting because of me. Because I don't have the balls to fight my stepdad." A tear fell from Hoseoks cheek.

"I know you probably think I did it to get away from you, and that's so far from the truth. I'm in love with you. And I thought that even if we were unsynced we could still be together, I didn't want you feeling the pain I went through. Since the day we got synced I was worried you would and I don't want you feeling pain, I-"

Yoongi cupped Hoseoks face, kissing him passionalty.

As they kissed, they realized how much they really missed the feeling of each other. Yoongi realized how dumb he was actually being, Hoseok didn't do it because he hated Yoongi,

he did it because he loved him.

"I love you too." the mint haired boy breathed out.

And for now things were looking up for the couple, until a person from their friends past, would decide to meddle with everything.



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