Chapter 30: Taekook, what happened

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"I DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING!" Taehyung yelled defense to his boyfriends words.

Jungkook swallowed, "Really Tae? Your going to lie?"

Taehyung was now furious, "I swear to god Kook I didn't say anything."

"That's not what I heard your thoughts speak, or the guilt I felt,"  Jungkook said to his older boyfriend.

Taehyung walked over to Jungkook, cupping his face, only to have the younger male push him away. "Why would I want your father to know? Huh?"

Jungkooks father didn't know about Tae and Jungkook, especially of them being synced. Jungkooks mother was fine with it, both Tae's parents okay with it as well, but Jungkooks father would be beyond furious. And now that he knows about it, Jungkook is hurt.

"I don't know okay?" Jungkook shouted, tears in his beautiful brown eyes.

"Baby, I would never do that to you," Tae cooed.

"I know, but can you just go, I need time to think." Jungkook begged, and even if he was hurt by it, Tae obliged.

Walking home Tae couldn't help the feeling of someone watching him, and when he heard footsteps from behind him; He knew it wasn't just his imagination. Tae ended up sprinting, the man behind him following him at the same pace.

Tae turned around, no one was there anymore, he pulled out his phone to call his Kookie; Only for something hard to get struck at his head, causing Tae to pass out entirely.

When he woke up again, he was in a cell, a man sitting before him, who he now knows as Sejun. And for 2 months Tae was alone, tortured by the man constantly. To the point where Tae wanted to die, for this all to end, but then an image would flash in his mind of Jungkook, his beloved boyfriend who he missed dearly; And he wouldn't have those thoughts anymore.

Sejun found that the liquid he was injecting into Tae was working, since no one came barging down to retrieve the male. The liquid that he injects, he made himself, a way to unsync people from their partners, even if natural. Sejun needed to make sure it worked before using it on his final target, he needed to make sure it was permanent.

That is why Jungkook feels so guilty about what happened, unlike Hoseok and Yoongi, Jungkooks last moment with Tae weren't shared with an 'I love you' or a kiss. It was a bitter moment in their relationship and Jungkook wishes he could reverse time and have Tae with him again, to feel him again, kiss him again, and tell the older male how much he truly loved and cared for him.

Jungkook was determined, no matter what, he would have his prince again.


im getting my shit together I promise, so this is a bit of a filler but im considering it a chapter. Taekook, I wove so much.

 Taekook, I wove so much

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