Chapter 39: NO DONT

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3 weeks, it has been 3 weeks since the boys were found and Namjoon was shot.

Within those three weeks Ms. Min came back from her long trip, mortified to come home and find out her baby was kidnapped and now in the hospital. She thanks the boys, and authorities, profusely on helping find her boy and put the culprit behind bars.

Yoongi has been getting healthier and healthier, regaining all his lost strength; Hoseok couldn't be happier. Hoseok's sister made a visit while he was at the hospital, finally meeting Yoongi and sharing a few words with him before she went back to Seoul. Hoseok and Yoongi spent almost every moment together, because in Hoseoks words 'he didn't want to ever loose Yoongi again', which the mint haired boy couldn't help but become flustered over.

Taehyung, also, was regaining his strength; Even if it was a slow process. Jungkook refused to leave his side, the ebony haired boy went to the extreme's of packing a bag and sleeping at the hospital; Even if the nurses didn't want him to, the ebony haired male was extremely persistent in getting what he wanted. Tae's mother came to visit him a couple times, dragging along his two siblings; Jin's mother making an appearance as well. Jungkook's mother finally divorced his father, telling him 'If he couldn't accept her son, than she can't accept him' and Jungkook was more then delighted with the news.

Jimin was healing surprisingly fast, although he, along with the rest of the boys, had permanent scaring from the whip. The shorter male felt bubbly inside when one of their friends from school, Taemin, came to visit him in the hospital. Explaining to him how he went to his house to check if he was there, and how sad he was when he found out he wasn't. Taemin would visit every other day, and the boys would not quit teasing Jimin about it.

Then there was Namjoon,

once Namjoon woke up that faithful day the doctor told Jin he would be alright, he was met with the sleeping form of his loving boyfriend. Jin refused to leave the hospital, taking care of Namjoon's wound, feeding him; Ultimately treating him like the most precious thing on Earth. Jin opened up to Namjoon about the thought of marriage, ever since the whole fiancé thing, and Namjoon was more then happy with the thought of calling Jin his husband. So the couple decided, they will officially be fiancé's once Namjoon is out of the hospital.

As for Hoseok, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook feeling one another again? They now can. After about a week of being in the hospital, and a week of Namjoon instructing them on what to do to get the remaining liquid out of their system, they all started to feel their lover's again.

Today, was now the long awaited day of discharge. The day that the lovers could finally take their babies home.

"Ready to go angel?" Hoseok questioned, packing the remainder of Yoongis belonging's.

"Yup!" Yoongi chirped, pecking Hoseok on the cheek, but he was met with a pout from the male.

Yoongi was confused, at first, until he saw his lover pucker his lips instead. Rolling his eyes, Yoongi stepped on his tippy toes and pecked the youngers soft lips, and was now met with a smile.

"Tae c'mon we gotta get going," Jungkook called out to his lover, who was in the bathroom.

"I am coming, wanna help me put my shirt on?" Tae teasingly suggested, and wasn't surprised when the door to the bathroom swung open.

"Got ya!" Tae laughed, using his fingers to fling water at Jungkook.

Jungkook grabbed Tae by the hips, smashing their lips together; Catching Tae by surprise. Jungkook was euphoric to have his prince back.

"Hey Jiminie is this yours?" Taemin asked, holding up a small plushie.

"Y-yeah," Jimin admitted bashfully, hiding his face from the older.

Taemin laughed walking over to him, "Don't worry, its cute."

Jimin giggled, allowing the older of the two to pull him into a hug, "Come we need to get you home."

"Joonie wait- NO DONT!" Jin shouted, watching as Namjoon dropped the glass vase full of flowers.

Namjoon turned his head, smiling at Jin sheepishly, "Why are you so destructive?"

"I haven't destroyed you now have I?" Namjoon laughed, holding Jin's waist.

"My ass says other wise," Jin muttered, Namjoon chuckled connecting their lips together.

"Lets go home, im sick of hospitals."

As all eight males made their way to the exit, they all saw each other and smiled. Hoseok engulfed Jimin into a hug, Taemin smiling watching the whole scene unfold, their friendship was truly something to admire. Yoongi hugged Jin, Tae, and Jimin, after Hoseok let him go. Jungkook hugged Hoseok, thanking him for his help, something he has done many times. They went in for a group hug, each boy hugging Namjoon carefully, knowing the male was still sore.

Then they all said their goodbyes to each other, wishing each person the best; And like that, 5 years passed by like a gust of wind.


Im sobbing, one last chapter, I cant thank you guys enough for the support I have gotten with this book; It is beyond me and I love you all with all my hearteu.

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