Chapter 27: You didn't fucking think

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"Sejun, really?" Jin scoffed.

"You said it yourself, he's an obsessive psychopath!" Hoseok shouted, frustrated with the elder male.

"Why would he take them?" Jungkook questioned.

"I just have a feeling its him okay?" Hoseok told.

"Oh and were going to go by a feeling?" Jungkook questioned, rudely.

"Its more then you've done," Hoseok retorted.

Jungkook lunged for Hoseok, while Hoseok stood still. Jungkook knocked Hoseok down, getting on top of him, but Hoseok was faster with his moves, Hoseok flipped them both around so he was on top of Jungkook; Pinning the youngers hands above his head.

"BOTH OF YOU STOP!" Jin yelled, ripping them away from each other.

"Fighting isn't going to help them!" Jin scolded.

Hoseok and Jungkook glared holes into each other. Both boys were tired, distressed, and longing for the loves of their lives.

"Namjoon are you really going to say nothing when these two almost beat the shit out of each other?" Jin questioned his boyfriend, who was silent.

Namjoon was lost in thought and when he finally spoke, it confused the hell out of the others, "Me."

The three other men looked at each other, confused.

"Its because of me, and you," Namjoon pointed a Jin, who pointed at himself with an eyebrow raised.

Namjoon got up, moving to the box. "Sejun always said he'll find a way to get me to talk to him again, and remember we worked together," Joon explained.

Everyone listened intently to his words, "Of course Sejun would continue to track down who I experimented on, by taking them he takes something I did, which would make me want those things back. In all having to speak to him again."

"And what do I have to do with this?" Jin asked.

"Really?" Namjoon scoffed.

"I mean besides the 'I stole his true love' shit," Jin clarified.

"Taehyung," he said, Jungkook's gaze moved straight to Namjoon, "He is related to you Jin, that's why he'd want him, it's just a bonus that I experimented on him."

"You experimented on Jimin?" Hoseok finally spoke.

"Yes," Namjoon confirmed.

"So it was Sejun, who took them," Jungkook said. "And we couldn't have figured this out about 2 months ago!"

Namjoon and Jin sighed, "Jungkook i-"

"Don't!" the younger shouted, "Tae has been in that hell hole for almost two fucking months! And right when Yoongi gets swept away we all immediately try and look, right?"

"We didn't think it was Sejun w-" Namjoon started but the younger interrupted again.

"Your right, You didn't fucking think," he cried.

"Jungko-" Hoseok tried to console the younger, only for him to shout again.

"Don't fucking touch me!" he yelled. "Taehyung is the fucking love of my life and has been missing and I cant even fe-"


Hoseok and Namjoon stood silent.

"I would do anything to find him, anything. Yoongi getting taken was the tip of the ice berg, you cant blame us entirely. You need to realize I care and love him too," Jin exclaimed, tears streaming down his face.

Namjoon could feel all of Jin's emotions, especially his pain.

"I-I'm sorry," Jungkook wailed.

Hoseok went to console him, "Don't be, I would be the same if Yoongi was missing for that long."

Jungkook leaned into Hoseoks touch, Namjoon consoling Jin in the process. All of them were hurt, they were tired, and just wanted to see the people they loved so much again.

"AH," Hoseok screamed, holding his head in pain.

"W-whats wrong?" all of the stuttered, running to the male on the ground.

"Yoongi." he shouted, "Its Yoongi."



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