Remember Chapter 12? Details

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[read a/n at the end
This is Chapter 12: New Level Continuation since some of you sinners wanted the details ;)

"We can hear each others thoughts," Yoongi stared at Hoseok in awe.

"We reached a new level of being synced," Hoseok bit his bottom lip, at Yoongi's agape mouth from his surprise, his naturally pouty lips wet from Yoongi licking them.

Don't get a boner, don't get a boner. Yoongi chuckled, hearing the younger boys thoughts.

"Yeah getting a boner wouldn't be good now would it," Yoongi said aloud, Hoseok tried to hide his reddened face.

"You're a dick," Hoseok breathed out, attempting to keep himself from getting too aroused.

To be an even bigger 'dick' Yoongi licked up Hoseoks neck, causing the raven haired boy to flutter his eyes shut, biting his lower lip to suppress the moan that wanted so eagerly to be released.

No no no no. Hoseok looked down, an evident bulge in his pants. Yoongi smirked, moving himself lower towards the boys belt buckle.

"Let me handle this for you, its the least I can do," Yoongi smirked before completely pulling down the youngers jeans and boxers.

"Y-Yoongi we're in a school bathroom!!" Hoseok shrieked, his fear of someone hearing them taking over the pain of his throbbing boner.

Yoongi wasn't even listening, distracted with the younger's size. Hoseok was not small in that area, of course Yoongi thought the younger was big, but not this fucking huge!

When he looked up at Hoseok, he saw the panic in the boy's eyes, "look babe, the doors locked, no one is going to come in," he tried to assure.

"Yoo- Oh my ah~" Hoseok moaned lewdly when Yoongi licked a long line from his base to his tip.

Yoongi smirked, "still want me to stop?"

Fuck you, Hoseok thought.

Id love for you too, Yoongi responded with, finally taking almost all of Hoseok in his mouth.

Hoseok's head made contact with the wall behind him, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, while his hands tangled themselves in Yoongi's soft locks.

Yoongi was definitely enjoying himself. Seeing how Hoseok reacted under his touch only pushed him to continue his actions further. Deep throating was already hard enough for most people, but for Yoongi it was for sure a challenge. The older took in as much of Hoseok as he could, jerking off what he couldn't, bobbing his head at a fast pace. When he reached the tip he would lick the slit, giving Hoseok more pleasure than he thought he could have.

"Yes baby~" Hoseok praised, tugging on Yoongi's locks.

The older hummed around Hoseok's member, causing the younger to come even closer to his release. Hoseok tugged on Yoongis hair a bit firmer, signaling the older that he was going to be releasing in T minus 10 seconds, which Yoongi realized quickly.

Yoongi quickened his motions, humming one last time, which got Hoseok to release his hot substance down Yoongi's throat. Which Yoongi decided to just swallow.

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