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5 years later

"So where are we meeting again?" Jin questioned, his phone pressed against his ear.

"Hoseok and Yoongi's place, they insisted." Tae responded.

"See you then." Jin ended the call, soon after alerting his husband of their upcoming plans for the night.

Its been hard to keep in touch for the seven best friends, after they graduated high school they all took different paths, trying their best to stay in touch with one another. It has been almost 2 years since the couples have seen each other in person properly, and they were more then excited to reunite at Hoseok and Yoongis place.

"BABE!" Hoseok shouted, his voice booming through out his and Yoongi's marvelous apartment.

Yoongi rolled his eyes going down the stairs, "You know I can hear you if you talk normally, right?"

"Its more fun to yell," Hoseok smirked.

Yoongi pecked his lips before making his way to the kitchen, "Should I cook or order take out for tonight?"

Hoseok walked over to him, resting his head on the elders shoulder as he back hugged him, "Definitely take out."

Yoongi nodded, agreeing with his fiancé, "Im really excited," he admitted.

"I am too."


"YOONGI!" Jin shouted, embracing the ravenette in a tight hug.

"H-hi Hyung."

Hoseok looked over at Namjoon, giving him a hug, "Come in."

Another ding was heard from the door bell, this time Hoseok opening the door. "HOSEOK!" Tae shouted.

"You and Jin are exactly the same I swear," he chuckled under the boys embrace.

"This place Is dope," Jungkook awed the apartment.

"Than- JIMIN!" Hoseok cut off his own sentence upon seeing his bestfriend, and work buddy, behind Tae and Jungkook.

All the boys took a seat in Hoseok and Yoongis living room, diving into the food.

"You didn't bring Taemin?" Hoseok questioned to his silver haired bestie.

"He insisted on staying home, since this was a 'bestie' event," Jimin explained his boyfriends absence.

"How's Jisoo?" Yoongi asked the married couple, referring to their two year old daughter.

"A doll, she's with her auntie right now," Jin said between bits of food.

"Okay wait who else is married here?" Jimin questioned, feeling dumb but still needing to ask.

"Engaged," Hoseok, Yoongi, Tae, and Jungkook said in unison.

"Not surprised," Jimin murmured, taking another bit of his food.

"What do you do Kook?" Jin asked the quiet male.

"I own a gym in Busan," he stated.

"Again not surprised," Jimin commented.

"And what do you do?" Jungkook asked the silver haired male, attitude could clearly be heard in his tone.

"Hoseok and I own a dance studio here in Seoul," Jimin answered, Hoseok high fiving him.

"Yoongi your a music producer right?" Tae questioned.

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