BackStory-Sejun, and NamJin

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This chapter is a brief history between Sejun, Jin, and Namjoon. And the photo up top is the tracklist for 'Love yourself Tear'❤ hope you enjoy :)

20 years ago

"Now children Syncing is very important in our culture," The teacher began. "It is something that brings you and your true love together, so you may really be one with them."

Sejun sat quietly amongst his classmates, watching them, and listening intently to the teachers words

Ja Sejun wasn't like most children in his class, for one he was way smarter, and for two he knew what he wanted to do with his life, even at 6 years old.

Yet, 7 words from his monotone teacher clicked one thing in Sejuns head. He wanted to be synced.

'you may really be one with them', he scribbled down on his paper, over and over and over. Sejun glanced around the room, non of his classmates fit to be synced with him. From then on Sejun seemed to have an odd obsession with becoming synced.

7 years ago

Sejun walked into his college class, history how fun, he thought to himself.

His tired eyes widened as they landed on a peach haired boy in the far back. Sejun walked up to the boy, a smile on his face.

"Hi, can I sit here?" he asked, the peach haired boy seemed startled by the mans deep voice, but nodded nonetheless.

"I'm Ja Sejun," he stuck his hand out for the boy to shake and he did.

"Kim Namjoon."

That day forward, Namjoon and Sejun became good friends who eventually formed into lovers. Sejun wanted to do one thing with Namjoon and that was to be synced with him.

4 years ago

"Maybe something happened, maybe you should have been top and I-"

"SEJUN!" Namjoon yelled, "Please just shush about it, okay we didn't get synced, its no big deal."

Oh but it was, that was the biggest thing Sejun wanted to do in his life, and the fact that he didn't sync with the man he called his true love; Made him beyond angry.

Now they were at a restaurant called RJ's, Namjoon wanted to go to ease the tension between the two males, and he heard the food was good.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN LEXA CALLED IN SICK?!" Jin yelled in frustration.

"I'm sorry boss but she has a cold and now were short a waiter, and a new couple just walked in." the younger waitress explained to her angry boss.

Jin sighed, "I'm sorry for yelling, ill go."

The tall male grabbed two menus and went outside to serve the couple.

"Hi I'm Jin, what could I get you two today," he smiled, looking at the couple in front of him.

Jin stared at one of the two, the purple haired one, his face was beautiful, and his skin was something he could admire all day. Jin shook his head slightly, trying to get his thoughts out of his head.

"I-i-" Namjoon stuttered, admiring the handsome waiter.

His voice was soothing, his hair falling slightly on his face which Namjoon would love to move out of the way.

"Namjoon-ah!" Sejun yelled, snapping his boyfriend out of his thoughts.

Sejun could tell the way the two males in front of him were looking at each other, was something he clearly needed to worry about. Sejun already didn't like Jin.

The next day Namjoon went to RJ's, he didn't know why, but he wanted to see that Jin guy again.

"Hi how can I- oh its you," Jin chuckled looking at Namjoon, "what brings you here?"

Namjoon thought for a moment "Well uh I um forgot my uh Jacket! Yes my jacket here yesterday."

Jin pursed his lips together, trying not to laugh. "Aren't you wearing the same jacket you wore yesterday?"

Namjoon mentally face palmed himself, "Is it bad to say I wanted to see you again?"

"Well you have a boyfriend, so yes," Jin told the younger.

"And you don't?" he asked.

"No I don't, my restaurant is my number one priority," Jin boasted.

"Wait?" Namjoon said, "This is your restaurant?"


"Then why were you the waiter?" Namjoon asked.

"We were short one, seems like I was meant to meet you Namjoon."

Namjoon could already tell, he really liked this Jin guy.


"Breaking up with me?" Sejun flabbergasted.

"Yes," Namjoon sighed, "look Sejun your a great guy and we had nice years together, its just I've moved on."

Sejun glared at him, "Let me guess, that Seokjin?"

Namjoon stayed quite.

"REALLY JOON? Him? This would settle with me better if it was someone worth it." Sejun told him.

Namjoon stood up frustrated, "I want you out of my apartment by tomorrow."

"Whatever, you'll never be synced to anyone, you are my true love." Sejun said before leaving.


5 months after the break up

Jin was laughing hysterically at his own joke, while Taehyung sat their rolling his eyes.

"Its not even that funny Hyung!" Taehyung insisted.

"Your right," he regained his breath, "Its hilarious!" he laughed, and Taehyung couldn't help but laugh with him.

A snap of camera broke Jin out of his laughter, looking over he noticed a tall, dark haired male staring at him. Sejun Jin thought. 

Which Namjoon heard, What? Again Jinnie?

Yes, he'll never get over the fact that we are synced. Such a creep. Jin responded to Namjoon.

"I will get you back Joonie, I promise," Sejun said to himself, walking away from Jin and Taehyung.


Sorry if this chapter was crappy :) surprisingly it has been my longest one yet.

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