First Time

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You were cooking dinner in the kitchen, while your kids play at the living room.

"Mom?" Skyler asked from the living room, your 5 year old daughter.

"Yes sweetie?" You say smiling at her.

"When is Mom coming home?" Skeet asks, Skyler's twin brother.

"For the last time you guys, she's still on tour and won't comeback until next week." You sigh as you prepare dinner.

"B-but" Skyler gets cut off "Mum!" Skeet practically yells.

You go over where they are picking up Skyler on the way and you were met by Demi, picking up a crying skeet.

"Babe!" You speed over to them and hug and kissed Demi. You were a complete family again.. "Thought you weren't coming home until next week?" You add.

"A lil surprise for the best" She said smiling.

"God, I love you" You sigh in relief that she is, in fact, here in front of you after 3 months of tour. This was the best surprise yet, and you can't wait for later.

"I love you more" She breathes out, leaning in to kiss you.

You pull out of the kiss "Dinners ready! " and with that you guys ate dinner.

After dinner..

You guys were at the living room just talking and catching up, until Skyler and Skeet snuggle between you two.

You kiss there foreheads and said 'I Love You' to them.

"Mum, how did you first say 'I Love You' to mom?" Skeet asks as he snuggles to Demi with the cutest puppy eyes.

"Demi don't you dare!" You warn her.

"We were cuddling and I looked at her beautiful Y/E/C eyes and said 'Are you a volcano? Cause I lava you' " She says.

"Then I slapped her." You say stifling a laugh.

"And now were married" She says laughing with the kids.

"Gosh, I love you so much" You breathe out, meaning what you said.

"I lava you too" She said before leaning in for a kiss. You smile at the kiss and you feel the twins hug you two.

"Couldn't ask for a better family"

A short and shitty one but I just wanted to post 😂 I got the idea and thought I'd write in my crappy ass phone.

And OH MY GOD! The Queens have united and they are the end of me and they don't even know it!

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And OH MY GOD! The Queens have united and they are the end of me and they don't even know it!

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