3. Hot chocolate is for children

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Sara and Will found a nice table at Starbucks. Will ordered a Caramel Macchiato and Sara ordered Hot Chocolate.

"So how come you don't like coffee?" Will asked while stirring his Macchiato.

"I guess I'm still just a child. And bro... Chocolate is amazing." I said, taking a sip of my delicious hot chocolate.

"How do you even survive?" Will asked while looking confused at me, like he didn't understand, how a human being could feel this way.

"I get my caffeine from coke." I said, and then Will made a what-did-you-just-say-face, and I realized this could be misunderstood.

"I mean coke, as in cola. You know the liquid-thing... That is also pretty amazing."

"Yeah, I know. I could just imagine... I finally meet a nice girl, and then she's a bloody cokehead." Will said laughing, not knowing exactly what he just said. I hit him playfully on the arm.

"You know. I'm more into crack and ecstasy, you know-"

"Yeahyeah. Ha ha." Will said, sarcastically. "But this-" Will said while taking another sip of his macchiato. "-doesn't even taste like coffee. Here. Try it." He said and moved the cup towards me.

"No, please. I hate coffee."

"Blood, sweat and tears were sacrificed for making this coffee, and you're not even going to try it?" Will said, almost pushing the cup in my face.

"Alright, alright!" I said and took a sip of the macchiato. First, it tasted like caramel, but then the coffee taste hit my taste buds, and I made a horrific grimace. "Nope. It still tastes like ass." I said, still making a grimace. Will looked at me, with somewhat reassurance, and then laughed a bit for himself.

A bus drove by with an ad for the new star wars movie.

"Have you seen that movie?" Will said, almost finishing his macchiato.

"Nooo. But I really want to. I'm a bit of a slut for star wars."

"Want to go home and watch it?"

"But... It's not out as a DVD yet." I said, confused.

"Well, then we'll just have to use a definitely-not-illegal-site to watch it." Will said and winked at me. I smiled back and finished my hot chocolate. As I got off my chair, Will put his hand around my waist, just for a second. But it felt nice to feel him. I don't think I've ever touched him, not even a handshake, so it was nice. We went back to our flats, and Will invited me in.

I sat next to him on the sofa and was about to put my feet on the table, but realizing this could offend him, I, of course, asked before I did so.

"Of course. Just make yourself at home." He said, not looking away from the screen. He also put his feet on the table and placed his laptop on his lap. We had to sit really close for me to get a view of the screen, but I didn't mind at all. Here I was, all alone in a foreign country, and I happen to meet Will Lenney and was about to watch a movie with Will Lenney, I was touching Will Lenney. I had to stop thinking about it because the probability of this happening was so tiny that I would probably go insane. I leaned in a little closer to Will, and he put his arm around me. I felt so relaxed and so comfortable that I almost forgot who I was sitting next to.

When the movie came to an end, I realized it was getting quite late, so I decided to go to my own flat, to get some sleep. I said goodbye to Will in the door frame.

"I don't really know anyone in this city or in this country for that matter, so thank you for hanging out with me." I said.

"I could imagine it could get really lonesome, living on your own in a foreign country. But if you ever need something, or want to talk to someone, or just want to hang out, you can just knock."

"Cheers. Goodnight, Will."

"Goodnight, Sara." Will said, leaning over and kissing me on the cheek. I then went to bed, but I couldn't stop thinking about him or stop smiling, he was just so goddamn amazing.

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