12. He's just not that into you

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Sara and Will went to the grocery store to pick up the ingredients for the famous taste-it sandwiches. Sara could feel some tension between them. She had interrupted their sexual act, but she knew from previous experiences that if you want to keep a guy, you shouldn't go all the way too early in the relationship. She wanted to. God, how she wanted to. But this was Will, not a guy you could get easily. And she didn't want to lose him that way. Not like that. Not again.

"Where is it?" I said annoyed.

"What are you looking for?" Will said.

"Miracle Whip. It's like the key ingredient in taste-it sandwiches." I said and kept looking.

"Can't you just use salad cream?" Will said and held a bottle of salad cream.

"No! It's not right! If I can't find it, we might as well drop it." I said irritated. "It's not just ordinary salad cream. It's special. It's one of a kind. The sandwiches are not taste-it sandwiches without it, then it's just ordinary useless sandwiches." I said and put my hand to my face out of frustration.

"Sara, are you sure this is about the dressing?" Will said and removed my hands from my face. I couldn't take this. Of course, it wasn't about the dressing. I was lying to Will, and it was killing me. But the lie was also the glue that held our relationship together. Would Will still like me if he knew the truth? If he knew I was just some fangirl? Just a useless sandwich? He should know. I couldn't keep lying to him like this.

"Will, I-" I was interrupted by a voice in the background. It was Luke.

"Sara! Hey!" Luke said and gave me a hug. I grimaced.

"Heeeey..." I awkwardly said.

"Hey. I'm Luke." Luke said to Will and greeted him.

"Will." He responded.

"Aren't you that yout-?" Luke was interrupted by Will hastily shaking his head.

"Oh. Guess not." Luke said, but you could tell, he knew.

"You're quite the party animal, Sara. You should come on next Friday too!" Luke said.

"Yeah. I don't know if that's a good idea."

"Come on. You can invite your friend here." Luke said and pointed at Will.

"Will." Will said again.

"Yeah, whatever. What do you say, Sara?" Luke said.

"We could do a quick visit. If Will wants to." I said and tried making a face contradictory to what I just said.

"Yeah. We could do that." Will said. Obviously, he didn't notice my no-face. Will put his arm around me. Does he want to show Luke that I'm his 'property'? Luke sure did look jealous, when Will put his arm there.

"I better get going." Luke said irritated "See you around." He said and hastily walked away.

"He sure is something," Will said sarcastically. "What were you about to say, before we got interrupted?"

"You know what. I don't remember." I said and put the ordinary salad dressing in the cart. You could see that Will wasn't convinced. I wasn't ready to tell him. I like him so much. I can't ruin it now. He doesn't have to know, right? We paid for our groceries and went back home.

"Do you want to see a movie or something?" Will said.

"Sure. What do you want to watch?"

"What movies do you have?"

"Hmm. Let's see. Comedy, romantic or fantasy?"

"Let's see something romantic. But not cheesy girly romantic." Will joked.

"Hmm. Romantic comedy or romantic sad, like I-want-to-rip-my-heart-out-this-is-life-crushing sad."

"I don't feel like crying today, so... Romantic comedy?"

"I've got it. He's just not that into you. Great movie." I said and put the movie in the DVD-player. And getting comfortable on the sofa next to Will, he put his arm around me, and I rested my head on his chest. After we watched the movie, Will went back to his flat to do some work of some sort. Later that day, when it was time for dinner, I thought I would go to Will's flat and make the sandwiches there, so George could taste them too. Since he liked my Danish cooking so much, I think he would love it, even though they're not Danish sandwiches. I knocked on the door, but no one answered, so I let myself in. I put the groceries in their kitchen.

"Will?" I said to apparently no one. Weren't they home? But why was the door unlocked then? I could hear some noises coming from Will's room. So I went in there only to find George and Will... Making a youtube video. If I find out that Will is a youtuber, I wouldn't have to tell him that I've lied to him. Maybe this is my chance.

"Hey. What are you doing?" I said. They both looked shocked at me, and George closed the tab on the computer.

"Did I startle you? I'm sorry. What were you doing?" I said.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Well, don't you look adorable, let's go to the kitchen." Will said, gave me a peck on the lips and practically pushed me into the kitchen. I couldn't believe he wouldn't just tell me. Okay, don't get hypocritical. You're hiding it from him too... Just ignore it.

"I brought the ingredients for the sandwiches. I thought George might want to try it too." I said. Will looked agitated but calmed down. I think it was because I didn't ask any more questions to what they were doing. We made the sandwiches, and as I thought, George loved it. I was a bit disappointed. No miracle whip... But they seemed to enjoy it. We did the dishes together and I went home and went to bed.

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